80 Of Children Rank Achievement Over Caring For Others

Compassion is a trait parents hope to pass on to their children. Caring for others is essential in a world often plagued by chaos. But pushy parents can unfortunately place so much pressure on their child that achievement can be ranked above caring for their fellow person. Money is the root of all evil, as they say. And parents are preaching dollars over kindness. Kids are the future, and should be taught accordingly....

January 20, 2023 · 3 min · 638 words · Jerry Randall

9 Creative Puzzle Video Games That Make You Smarter

A brain with good executive functions allows people to make better decisions, improve their logic and cognitive ability. These skills are extremely important if you want to always be able to think on your feet. Ready to feed your brain? Here are some of the best creative puzzle games you might want to try on your free time: 1. Doodle God Given four main elements — fire, water, earth and wind, can you build the world?...

January 20, 2023 · 5 min · 987 words · Edward Merriweather

9 Habits Of Very Punctual People

1. They Give Buffer Time for Themselves This means that if they need to be somewhere 15 minutes away, they don’t leave 15 minutes in advance. They leave 20 or 25 minutes in advance. Why? Because you never know what might come up. You could have to find parking, could realize you forgot something, could run into a friend on the way—the possibilities are endless. By giving themselves buffer time, punctual people ensure that even if something last minute comes up, they’ll still be on time or very close to it....

January 20, 2023 · 4 min · 824 words · Clyde Oloughlin

9 Internet Hacks That Will Simplify Your User Experience

Calculate with your favorite search engine Google can be used to search for almost any information. If it is on the Internet, it is somewhere on Google. But did you know that Google can also help you with any math equation? Simply type in “Google calculator” and right in front of your eyes you will be presented with a calculator as large as you like – no fiddling with little buttons on a calculator that can lead to big mistakes....

January 20, 2023 · 3 min · 586 words · Connie Kubiszewski

9 Productive Things To Do Instead Of Complaining

Do you relish in gossip or take comfort in complaining? They say our thoughts create our own reality, that our mind is more powerful than we could ever imagine. If this is the case, negative thoughts and complaining won’t get us far in life. Complaining about the actions of others, and the misfortune in our own life is futile. Why not do something more productive with your time instead of complaining?...

January 20, 2023 · 4 min · 762 words · Mary Mottet

9 Rules For A Simpler Day

By following these easy rules on a daily basis, you’ll not only have simpler days, but you’ll have a less chaotic life and feel a lot less stress overall.

January 20, 2023 · 1 min · 29 words · Marjorie Pendergraph

9 Things Only People With Albinism Would Understand

1. You wish people were better informed. You and I know that albinism is a very rare disease. It is estimated that only 1 in 17,000 in the USA are born with this genetic defect. It is simply a lack of melanin which normally adds color to skin and hair. Because of this deficiency in melanin, albinos have very fair or white hair and also white skin. Albinos may have problems with eyesight and may have only 20/100 vision....

January 20, 2023 · 6 min · 1081 words · Ann Shelly

9 Things You Don T Owe Anyone

1. You don’t owe anyone your outward appearance Your body belongs to you. And how you present it to the world is entirely up to you. Whether you have tattoos that are conspicuous and look ridiculous, or dyed your hair to an outrageous color, your body belongs to you. And whatever opinion others have of you is their business. 2. You don’t owe anyone how many kids you want Whether you want to have one child, or ten children, or don’t want to have any, it is your right to be the parent you want to be....

January 20, 2023 · 3 min · 526 words · Bertha Johnson

9 Things You Need To Stop Doing After College

1. Stop procrastinating. In college, it was no big deal to stay up until two am and get that paper done or spend Sunday night cramming for that exam on Monday morning. But I’m afraid in the real world the procrastination just doesn’t fly. Your boss is going to know if you spent two hours on a report that should have taken ten hours. And after college you have to juggle many more responsibilities....

January 20, 2023 · 4 min · 774 words · Janet Pinkerton

9 Ways To Stop Living Someone Else S Life

Here are nine steps you can take to live a life that’s more true to yourself: 1. Think about the bigger picture We all have a finite amount of time in which to live our lives, and every day that goes by is one day less you have to live a life that’s true to yourself. Taking a step back, considering the bigger picture, and remembering that your time is limited can help you stay focused on your real dreams and goals, rather than the dreams or goals you think you should have....

January 20, 2023 · 4 min · 642 words · Lucille Glueck

9 Ways To Swiftly Make A Midlife Career Change

One thing your friends probably didn’t do: listen to the naysayers. There will always be some well-meaning family member or acquaintance who will counsel you against any sort of career change, saying it’s too big a risk. Aren’t your mid-30’s to early-50’s meant to be your optimal earning years where you advance up the ladder in your current field, this person may argue. Why would you want to sacrifice spectacular earnings for the paltry pay check you will likely earn when you change careers?...

January 20, 2023 · 12 min · 2344 words · Annie Zepeda

9 Ways Twitter Can Maximize Your Job Search

In fact, 55 percent of recruiters are using Twitter to attract top talent, yet only 40 percent of job seekers have an active profile, let alone use it as a professional branding tool, according to Capterra. Not only does it increase your exposure, but when recruiters see you on Twitter, it also proves that you’re technologically savvy and in tune with 21st-century job search practices. As an employment expert of 30 years, I’m still amazed that the majority of candidates I meet are intimated by Twitter....

January 20, 2023 · 4 min · 807 words · Michelle Smitherman

A Good Mentor Is Hard To Find What To Look For In A Mentor

But mentorship is a tricky situation because it’s hard to find the right mentor. How do you find someone who’s willing and able to help, with all the qualities you need? But first, know what your goals are. Before you go looking for a mentor, it’s a good idea to have a firm understanding of what your goals are. You need to know what you want out of the mentorship relationship as well as where you think you want your career to go in the future before you’ll really know what qualities you need your mentor to have....

January 20, 2023 · 4 min · 641 words · Ronald Panther

A Guide To Hashtag Etiquette

Don’t forget that the main purpose of hashtags are to categorize your posts into certain topics and to link you to related content. So whether your goal is to promote your posts, to find similar content, or to just make people laugh, keep these hashtag etiquette tips in mind to ensure you get the most out of your hashtags without annoying your followers or friends. Hashtag Etiquette Infographic | Gremln

January 20, 2023 · 1 min · 70 words · Sylvia Beltran

A Guide To Understanding Introverts

Introverts appreciate personal space, and so all extroverts have to do is respect that. Be kind and polite, don’t be too demanding and please, don’t take it personally if we need a little time to ourselves. It’s just how we recuperate so we can spend more quality time with those who are important to us! Do you agree? Are you an introvert who needs to let those around you in on these tips?...

January 20, 2023 · 1 min · 81 words · Lionel Smith

A Letter To My Daughter As An Old Man

In my life I’ve accomplished a great many things, but by far, the greatest accomplishment I’ve achieved is you. And my most cherished title is “Dad.” I’m so proud of everything that you are and everything you have yet to become. Your potential is limitless and as long as there is breath left in me, I will be right here as a gentle support and willing you to succeed. I’ll never forget seeing you for the very first time....

January 20, 2023 · 3 min · 619 words · Ernest Eveland

Access Your Mind S Full Potential By Experiencing The Flow

This state of mind allows them to have peak performance while completing a task. When experiencing this peak, one’s inner critic is hushed—this feeling is both powerful and addictive. To achieve this feeling, it takes more than a motivational speech, it is about the techniques that you can apply to your own life to lead you on the path that improves your performance and to experience the drive to dedicate yourself to your work....

January 20, 2023 · 3 min · 627 words · Larry Lee

Achieve Flow By Hacking Your Tasks

Hack Your Tasks You won’t get flow with the carrot or the stick. External pressures are unlikely to really engage you with your task. If you want to get into a state of flow you should modify the tasks themselves. Making your tasks more engaging may seem to make them slightly less efficient, but the gain in your own efficiency through flow will be worth it. Here are a couple ways to make your tasks more engaging:...

January 20, 2023 · 4 min · 680 words · Dawn Hernandez

Adding Years To Your Life Through Prayer And Meditation

The Research The National Institute for Healthcare until a few years ago flat out refused to even review a study that had the word prayer in it. According to WebMD the NIH is now funding a study through their Frontier Medicine Initiative. The article, based on recent neurological studies, suggests that their is a definite link between prayer and health. It is interesting to note that increased funding for these studies have almost doubled over the past 10 years....

January 20, 2023 · 4 min · 681 words · Jennifer Her

Advice For Students How To Get Your Full Tenancy Deposit Back

Ensure your deposit is protected Before you move in, ensure your landlord has protected your deposit using a government-backed scheme. You’d be surprised by the amount of landlord scams that are are regularly pulled on unsuspecting 20-something year-old’s, so make sure you check online to see if your deposit is protected. If your landlord hasn’t protected it, you can go to the small claims court to reclaim it PLUS you can receive up to three times the original value as a penalty for the landlord (then you can finally start paying off your student loan)....

January 20, 2023 · 4 min · 725 words · Emogene Altamirano