7 Brutal Truths About Being A 30 Something Mom

1. Your energy is dwindling but the demands are increasing. During your teens and twenties, you may have been able to hold down a full-time job whilst partying at weekends and staying up late on weeknights. Now, in your thirties, you can no longer dance all night and would probably rather spend the evening relaxing after a long day at work. Unfortunately, when you have a child, you don’t get a break....

January 25, 2023 · 4 min · 659 words · Debra Jones

7 Common Mistakes To Avoid If You Want To Achieve Your Goals In Life

Even when we all know this, when it comes to us achieving our goals and dreams many of us will start and then stop, then start again and then stop and then finally give up because it is all too hard. Last year I identified three short term goals that I wanted to achieve by the end of the year. To date I have only completed one goal. The other two goals I have started, stopped, started and then stopped....

January 25, 2023 · 7 min · 1352 words · Rebecca Boswell

7 Gifts For Men Who Have Everything

Playstation 4 by Sony ($399.99) The next generation of gaming is near. The Wii U has thus far failed to prove why Wii owners should upgrade their hardware. Microsoft caused a lot of controversy over the privacy concerns of the Xbox One. Sony’s Playstation 4 is the cream of the crop of next generation consoles. Boasting launch titles such as inFAMOUS: Second Son, Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, and Watch Dogs, video gaming isn’t all the PS4 is capable of....

January 25, 2023 · 4 min · 697 words · Julie Esqueda

7 Illegal Questions You Might Be Asked During An Interview

1. How old are you? This might seem fairly innocuous to job seekers in their 30s, but there are many hidden agendas behind a question of an applicant’s age. Employers can ask if an applicant is over 18 if it is company policy to not hire minors, but that’s about all they can ask as far as age is concerned. According to the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, it’s illegal to inquire about an applicant’s age, since those over 40 are specifically protected by the law....

January 25, 2023 · 4 min · 847 words · Phyllis Wolf

7 Online Tools That Improve Your Business Writing

When you write business material, you do not just share your ideas and thoughts. It is also important that the content of your work is structured in a way that it is organized and you use formal words. To make your task easier, here are some of the best online tools that can improve your business writing. 1. Wridea.com Prior to drafting any business related content, the very first thing that you have to do is to write down and organize your ideas....

January 25, 2023 · 4 min · 797 words · Antonia Lorenzana

7 Reasons Why Type A People Are Great Partners

They are organized. Type A’s are organized to a fault. When you enter their closets you’ll be pleasantly surprised to find that all their clothes are not only folded, sorted, and hung up, but are likely arranged according to type of clothing, fabric and color. Their shoes may even be neatly stacked and stored in shoe boxes. Their calendars are updated and their pantries are stocked and labeled. The best part of all this is when they are your partner – you get the benefit of this organization....

January 25, 2023 · 4 min · 735 words · Anna Craig

7 Reasons You Won T Start Studying Until It S Too Late And What To Do About It

Believe it or not, there are forces acting against you, pulling you away from starting early enough so that you can comfortably learn new material. Here are 7 of the most insidious reasons why you don’t start early, and what you can do about it. 1. You’re anticipating hard work Procrastination is generally viewed as this guilt-ridden character defect shared almost universally by all students. The problem is, this is exactly what we should expect to happen from an evolutionary perspective....

January 25, 2023 · 8 min · 1645 words · George Silveira

7 Simple Things To Do To Differentiate Yourself And Build A Standout Career

While this is a negative development, it is worth noting that even a prosperous job market creates unique challenges for job-seekers and individuals who are looking to progress their careers. More specifically, it creates a more crowded and competitive employment market, as a growing number of people resume their search for work and apply for a disproportionate ratio of jobs. How to Stand Out From the Crowd in the Contemporary Job Market With this in mind, what simple steps can you take to distinguish yourself from the crowd while establishing a progressive career?...

January 25, 2023 · 4 min · 786 words · Larry Linehan

7 Steps To Maintain A High Energy Level And Live Better

Here are some effective ways to tap into your innate power source and sustain a high energy level throughout the day. 1. Be Kind to Yourself We often treat ourselves more harshly than others do. How often do you find yourself talking more kindly to a co-worker or even a stranger who made a mistake than you would to yourself in the same situation? If you want to increase your energy levels, this isn’t the way to do it....

January 25, 2023 · 5 min · 999 words · Tammy Mayes

7 Success Hacks For Budding Entrepreneurs

Indeed, I can recall the feeling that I had after filing my articles of incorporation with the Secretary of State. It was like, ‘So now that it’s official, what do I do now?’ Fortunately, I was very lucky to have made mistakes early enough to catch them and make my corrections. But it wasn’t easy. However, the good news is that today I’m going to let you know everything I wish I’d known then about what to do after starting a business....

January 25, 2023 · 7 min · 1280 words · Rebeca Pitt

7 Things To Check Before Buying A Used Car

No matter what the age is, ensure you test drive the vehicle. Preferably employ the service of a mechanic to inspect the car before you buy. Research has proven that the attractive price of used cars is the main reason why people are inclined to buy. For this reason, here are 7 key points to check before buying a used car. 1. Brake System and Gearbox The state of the brakes is undoubtedly one of the key things to review....

January 25, 2023 · 3 min · 575 words · Doreen Stahl

7 Things Truly Outstanding Leaders Do Differently

They Praise Outstanding leaders love to praise. They praise their team, they praise their family, they praise the government, they praise their children, and they praise everything and everyone around them. They know the power of praise, that it makes people go the extra mile to get results. Ordinary leaders on the other hand prefer to criticize. They feel that praising a subordinate is a sign of weakness. They never get satisfied, and even when they are, they don’t show it....

January 25, 2023 · 4 min · 757 words · George Meiners

7 Ways For Extroverts To Manage Their Teams Of Introverts Well

However, as an extrovert, you have a different communication and working style from them. You may find it difficult to connect or understand your introverted subordinates. Sometimes, they may even seem a little aloof and unapproachable to you. So how do you nurture their talent and get them to contribute more? Here are 7 ways to help you manage your teams of introverts well. 1. Listen. Never interrupt your introverted subordinates when they are talking....

January 25, 2023 · 4 min · 698 words · Anthony Mills

7 Ways To Free Yourself And Make The Most Of Your Time

Here’s the deal – there are lots of ways that we throw time away every day. Try out these five steps to increase the amount of time you have so that you can fit the time to learn something new into your busy schedule. 1. Make a time journal. For a week, write down how you spend each minute of each day. This includes your time at work (and what you’re doing while you’re there) as well as at home....

January 25, 2023 · 6 min · 1083 words · Terry Hart

7 Ways To Give Great Feedback

1. Do it early Don’t wait until it’s too late to give feedback. The sooner you can tell someone that something they’re doing needs work, the more time your friend has to improve at it. Don’t wait until your friend is almost done with their thousand-page novel to tell them that it’s not worth pursuing. Don’t wait for a person to make a big mistake to tell them that they’re on a dangerous path....

January 25, 2023 · 3 min · 575 words · Bridget Sisk

7 Ways To Help Your Child Choose A Career

“I’ve never met your grandson, and without knowing who he is, what his strengths are, and what he’s passionate about, I can’t say what career he would enjoy. I think it’s great when people choose a career where their strengths and passions combine,” I said. He cocked his head sideways at me. “Hmmmph,” he scoffed. “Passion. Nobody’s passionate about their job. A job is a job,” he ranted. I smiled at him, and politely disagreed, telling him that it is possible to do work you absolutely love....

January 25, 2023 · 5 min · 1037 words · William Sherwood

7 Ways To Make Commuting Suck Less

Commuting between work and home can be a frustrating and inefficient experience. But it does not have to be. There are many productive (and safe!) ways to make the most of your time while you’re behind the wheel. For example: Learn a new language Burn some CDs with language lessons (you can easily find them on the Internet, even for free!) and listen to them again and again. Repeat the phrases out loud....

January 25, 2023 · 3 min · 590 words · Cynthia Davis

7 Ways To Make Lemonade When Life Throws You A Problem

1. Be grateful Even if your life is completely falling apart, there are still things you can be grateful for. It may be tough at the beginning but as you consider the good things going on in your life, you’ll realize there are plenty of small things to be grateful for. If this practice lifts your mood, that shift may also help you realize you’re in control of your life....

January 25, 2023 · 3 min · 528 words · Len Collier

8 Best Natural Energy Drinks For An Instant Energy Boost

The good news is that there are plenty of natural energy drinks that can ramp up your energy levels without spiking your blood sugar. That means no energy crash and no empty calories. Many of these drinks can even be made at home, so you can easily avoid the added sugars and artificial ingredients. Here are eight of the best natural energy drinks you can try (and make) for yourself at home....

January 25, 2023 · 7 min · 1378 words · Paul Bejaran

8 Free Resources For You To Make An Online Video Easily

While the creation of audio-visual video content was once a costly exercise, online marketers can now access a wide selection of freely available resources. Consider the following tools as you look to create your video. Masher The tools that you use to create your video will depend primarily on the nature of the content, but for anyone looking to combine a number of individual clips, Masher is the ideal application....

January 25, 2023 · 4 min · 772 words · Vickie Bryant