5 Ways Fiber Can Help You Lose Weight And Live Longer

In the past few years- even as recently as June 2016- researchers have uncovered just how far-reaching the advantages of dietary fiber are. This infographic, created by the Purifier Professor, dives into the expansive list of fiber’s benefits and the scientific research behind them. Featured photo credit: Liz West, Flickr via flickr.com

January 22, 2023 · 1 min · 52 words · Christopher Lindsey

5 Ways To Boost Your Self Growth

Here are 5 simple ways that you can circumvent this problem and improve your self-growth instantly. 1. Your self-growth will improve when everyone around you is ahead of you. If you are the smartest person in your group, then it’s time to find another group of people to hang out with. Remember, if you want to grow, you must not only be feeding people with the little knowledge you have, you also want to learn from people around you so that you don’t wear out....

January 22, 2023 · 4 min · 791 words · Linda Brant

5 Ways To Earn Money From Home Cooking

Here are five ways you can go about earning an extra income from food. 1. Social Dining: Get your piece of the cake The fast-growing social dining phenomenon is really an extension of social networking, only this really is social — you actually get to meet up with the people you communicate with online in real life! And it’s really taken off. There are new social dining platforms appearing all the time....

January 22, 2023 · 4 min · 753 words · Mark France

5 Ways To Motivate Millennials With Your Smartphone

To many traditional managers, millennials are viewed negatively – as a laid-back, narcissistic and sometimes irksome bunch. On the positive side, millennials in the workplace are confident, have a can-do attitude about new responsibilities and seek out feedback frequently. In about 10 years’ time, today’s millennials will make up about 75% of the workforce. To learn how to best work with millennials, you should focus on being a coach and mentor, providing growth opportunities and social workplace connecting teams....

January 22, 2023 · 3 min · 454 words · Julie Holcomb

5 Ways To Quit Coffee And Boost Your Productivity

If you want to regain your productivity by quitting coffee, how do you do it? Everyone drinks coffee for different reasons, and your reason might be different than simply “for the energy.” Take a look at the list below, see where you fit, and then adjust accordingly. The Break Taker Sometimes we go get coffee simply as a way to take a break from work. It’s the modern version of a smoke break....

January 22, 2023 · 4 min · 660 words · Alice Freund

50 Common Interview Q A

If you want to cover well, make sure to prepare other interview types such as behavioral interview. 31. Tell me about your ability to work under pressure. You may say that you thrive under certain types of pressure. Give an example that relates to the type of position applied for. 32. Do your skills match this job or another job more closely? Probably this one. Do not give fuel to the suspicion that you may want another job more than this one....

January 22, 2023 · 1 min · 118 words · Charles Torres

50 Free Online Resources For Self Motivated Learners

New technologies, degrees and more innovative methods of teaching at modern universities clearly give an edge to the younger lot of the workforce who have access to more modern and innovative teaching methods. In such a scenario, a person like me would always dig out relatively less expensive and readily accessible online resources to upgrade my knowledge and skills so that I can keep up to date with the modern demands of the new work ethics....

January 22, 2023 · 10 min · 2088 words · Virginia Mills

58 Uniquely Fun And Creative Date Ideas For Couples

If you’ve been in a relationship for a while, you’re probably running out of date ideas. You are still going on dates, right? Even long-term relationships need to go on a date occasionally. A little creativity and some frugality can enable you to have an amazing and memorable date with your partner. So, for those of you who feel stuck in the “dating rut,” here are some unique and fun date ideas for couples....

January 22, 2023 · 19 min · 3855 words · Mary Bass

6 Alternative Forms Of Meditation For People Who Hate Doing Nothing

Meditation has been rigorously studied by the scientific community and the findings of these studies has alarmed everyone. Meditation, it turns out, really works. It doesn’t just help significantly with depression and anxiety, it’s also been shown to help with anti-aging, fighting infections, and even combating feelings of loneliness! However, if you’re like me, the mere thought of doing nothing for 20 minutes stresses me out more than any amount of meditation could redeem....

January 22, 2023 · 5 min · 902 words · George Baca

6 Best Ice Coolers For Essential Kitchen Needs

Here are some of the best ice coolers available in the market. OAGear- Cooler Sports Pack This ice cooler is an excellent choice for taking on a picnic, party or to the beach. This cooler can store about 20 cans without ice and almost 12 can with ice. It is easy to carry as it is built like a backpack. It is not very heavy. It has side pockets which can be used for storing extra items such as keys etc....

January 22, 2023 · 3 min · 590 words · Michele Sherron

6 Best Url Shrinkers You Should Start Using

1. cli.gs 2. goo.gl 3. bitly 4. is.gd 5. TinyURL 6. SnipURL Wrap up The bottom line is that you should find the URL shrinker that works for your personal needs. Bloggers like myself appreciate things like click metrics to see if the links we share are getting clicks. People on Twitter may like the URL shrinkers with the smallest links. Those of us who are clumsy may appreciate the ability to edit links after we create them....

January 22, 2023 · 1 min · 94 words · Norma Arevalos

6 Brilliant Ways To Prepare Your Gadget For The Beach This Summer

1. Know What To Take It’s worth taking time out to think long and hard about whether you should be taking particular gadgets to the beach. Whilst there a lot of lifestyle business books that suggest you can work from the beach, taking a $1000 laptop is probably going to be more hassle than it is worth. Get sand anywhere near the inner workings or smothered all over your screen then it (and you) will not be too happy....

January 22, 2023 · 4 min · 723 words · Richard Quandt

6 Car Seat Cleaning Hacks For Busy Parents

1. Don’t procrastinate. Dry messes like cracker crumbs aren’t urgent, but wet messes should be addressed promptly—ideally before the mess dries. Promptly remove the car seat from your vehicle, and then take off the cover, straps, and buckles. It’s smart to keep a car seat cleaning kit stored in your car’s trunk for these kinds of occasions. 2. Read the manual for cover-washing guidelines. Use baby wipes or a damp rag to remove as much loose material as possible from the car seat cover, then check the car seat manual for detailed laundering instructions....

January 22, 2023 · 3 min · 633 words · Mary Clasen

6 Characteristics Of A Successful Person That Make Them Outstanding

In the following lines, I will lend you that lens. The 6 points you will see may look nothing like what you would expect, but their charm rests on their ability to look like one thing while being another. And there, I just gave you one characteristic to wet your beak: Highly successful people see the good in every situation. But what else do they share? In no particular order, here are 6 characteristics of a successful person:...

January 22, 2023 · 5 min · 917 words · Stephan Rhew

6 Creative Ways To Help Your Food Last Long

Here are some easy tricks which are highly helpful: 1. Vegetable Sacks You do not need to store all of the vegetables in a refrigerator to keep them fresh. Vegetables such as onions, garlic, shallots, potatoes, etc. should not be kept in the fridge. If you keep them in the refrigerator, they will spoil faster. Most of the root vegetables last longer if you keep them in a dry place....

January 22, 2023 · 3 min · 636 words · Karen Casanova

6 Golden Rules For Strong Relationships That Are Backed By Science

It doesn’t matter if you are in a new relationship or if you consider yourself an expert in relationships, the following scientifically proven rules for building strong romantic relationships may come in handy. Keep in mind that there is a distinction between romantic love, which can endure, and passionate or obsessive love, which often fades after the beginning of a relationship. 1. Cultivate positive thoughts about your partner Scientists have found that having positive thoughts about your partner is vital in relationships....

January 22, 2023 · 5 min · 875 words · Kristi Bailey

6 Places You Can Learn A New Skill Online

1. Learn to code Computer programming is becoming an increasingly prevalent and marketable skill in the modern world. Luckily, sites like Koding can help get you started from the ground up by providing users with a cloud-based environment where they have access to a network of over one million of their peers. You can start by reading through a number of guides designed to get beginners on their feet, then move onto chatting and working with other more advanced programmers....

January 22, 2023 · 3 min · 607 words · Arthur Hovis

6 Questions That Successful People Ask Themselves Constantly

1. Am I in the right niche? Think about what you’re doing for a living. Are you succeeding in your field? How is the quality of your work? Is it passable, or are you receiving praise for what you deliver your boss? Successful people don’t just pass, they excel. When your employer isn’t commenting on your output, no news equals bad news. If the response to your work is indifferent or, even worse, negative, ask yourself if it’s time to look for a new career path....

January 22, 2023 · 3 min · 587 words · Jean Andrews

6 Quick Things You Can Do Right Now To Declutter Your Life

Absolutely. We all live in chaos to some extent, and a little order, a little peace, clarity and cleanness can never hurt. It is possible to have that in your life right now. I can’t promise you that the clutter will be gone, or even that it will be reduced for a long time. But I know that there are small actions we can take today that will make a big difference in our tomorrow....

January 22, 2023 · 5 min · 1016 words · Betty Lightner

6 Tips To Save On Healthcare And Fitness In The New Year

Here are six ways to get fit and save on healthcare in the New Year: 1. Use a Health Savings Account (HSA) Surveys continue to show that too few Americans take advantage of health savings accounts, or “HSAs.” Either they just don’t know that they exist or they underestimate how much they save on healthcare. You’re eligible to contribute to an HSA when you’re covered by a high deductible health plan....

January 22, 2023 · 6 min · 1176 words · Justin Johnson