20 Question Every Parent Should Ask Themselves Every Day

Are My Kids Having Fun? Life tends to get so busy that sometime we forget to prioritize play. Am I Having Fun? Same question (almost). If you are so busy chauffering and cooking and doing laundry that you are forgetting to enjoy your children, you need to take a hard look at your priorities. Did My Child Eat Well? Consider quality, not quantity. Were fruits and vegetables the bulk of the diet?...

January 21, 2023 · 4 min · 702 words · Cynthia Nelson

20 Really Cute Valentine S Day Gift Ideas For Your Special One

However, you don’t need to spend a lot to make your love known. Homemade personal gifts are often the ones that communicate our love the best. You can’t go wrong by making the effort to show and recognize your love on Valentine’s Day, but you could go wrong by just ignoring the day entirely. Aren’t your loved one worth it? Check out these 20 Valentine’s gift ideas to ease your stress over the holiday and make those you love feel amazing!...

January 21, 2023 · 4 min · 689 words · James Heffron

20 Things I Wish I Had Learned In School

1. Nobody knows what is going on. Scientists who spend their careers analyzing the nature and origins of life on this planet have gleaned only a few more solid facts about the universe than your own parents have. Nobody knows why we are here or what we are supposed to be doing, and anyone who says they do is selling something. What each of us perceives is only a fraction of what there is to know, and we can only find truth by combining our perspectives without judgment....

January 21, 2023 · 6 min · 1157 words · Don Schoen

20 Things You Are Wasting Money On

Here is a list of things that you may be wasting money on: Bottled water Bottled water can be expensive. If you want filtered water, buy a water filtering system and fill-up a re-usable bottle on your own. You are helping the environment this way as well, since you won’t be using so many plastic bottles. Famous brand products When was the last time that you bought something primarily because of the brand?...

January 21, 2023 · 4 min · 789 words · Lillian Armstrong

200 Ways To Make Money From The Internet

If you’re ready to make money from the internet, you’ll first need to decide on the general method you intend to use, whether that be selling your old stuff, freelancing or site flipping. Then you’ll need to find the right sites to give you the tools you need to make money from the internet, such as eBay, Elance or Sedo. Fortunately, this infographic features information on both the general logistics and the tools so you can develop a plan to make money from the internet in no time....

January 21, 2023 · 1 min · 98 words · Isaac Boehm

21 Books Every Entrepreneur Needs To Read Now

If you can’t sell, you will fail. It doesn’t matter how great your product is – because even the best products need salesmanship. Great products sell themselves is a myth. Great products appear to sell themselves, the truth is – grand master salesmen make it appear that the products are selling themselves – they’re called grand masters for a reason (hint: because you don’t even know they are selling you on it)....

January 21, 2023 · 7 min · 1368 words · Belva Meredith

21 Nuggets Of Wisdom For Launching Your Own Successful Small Business

Here are 21 Wisdom Nuggets for Launching Your Own Successful Small Business. They’re some of the fundamental steps for living the life of your dreams. 1. Identify Your Small Business and Products or Services Select an emerging market niche where demand exceeds supply, one that exhibits long-term growth and strong profit margins. Offer a new problem solver venture, something innovative; secure your trade secrets. Perform your due diligence, and validate that the products and services you have chosen are what people need, want, and are willing to pay for....

January 21, 2023 · 10 min · 2116 words · Brenda Palmer

22 Signs You Re A Massive Hoarder

When you open your wardrobe, an avalanche of clothes falls out onto the floor. It takes you several days to find things that you know you own. You have toys and bedroom ornaments that are older than some of your friends and relatives. If they could, they’d be lowering each other out the window on ropes. In the event of a fire, you wouldn’t rescue just the one thing (a photo album, perhaps) but would throw a whole drawer, or preferably a whole cupboard, out the window....

January 21, 2023 · 3 min · 538 words · Buck Neuenfeldt

25 Cheap And Healthy Foods You Need To Know

Frozen/Canned Fruits and Vegetables Buying fresh produce is great if you can afford it, but I know it doesn’t fit every budget. Fortunately, frozen and canned varieties of fruits and veggies are an affordable way to nourish your body with vitamins and minerals that will increase your energy, immunity, and health. 1. Spinach Spinach is a nutritional power-house that offers a variety of vitamins and minerals, fiber, protein, and a staggering amount of antioxidants....

January 21, 2023 · 9 min · 1819 words · Lawrence Duckworth

25 Pieces Of Empowering Relationship Advice For Women

In other words, you can make your relationship better by doing two things: You see, a lot of people are lazy. They think that relationships should just magically run like a well-oiled machine. But that doesn’t happen in real life. Relationships take effort, and they can be healthy and happy if you know what to do. No one has a magic wand to hand you that will turn your relationship into a fairy tale....

January 21, 2023 · 9 min · 1902 words · Elizabeth Gonzalez

3 Herbs That Offer A Variety Of Healing Benefits

If you’re suffering from pain, illness, or some other form of discomfort, rather than immediately running to the drugstore to medicate the symptoms away, you’ll be surprised to discover there are natural alternatives that can not only do the trick, but can make the healing process pleasant, inexpensive, and even creative. So, if you’ve got a bug bite, a headache that won’t go away, or if you can’t sleep, check out how these three amazing herbs can be used to help to alleviate some those pesky health conditions and promote wellbeing....

January 21, 2023 · 4 min · 745 words · Laura Sloan

3 Little Tricks That Will Make You Sound More Authoritative

1. Present both sides of an argument Recent consumer psychology research has shown that two-sided arguments are more persuasive.[1] This may seem counterintuitive, as presenting only one side of a story would appear to be the obvious choice when looking to persuade people. However, by presenting both sides of an argument, your audience will believe that you’ve studied your subject carefully and meticulously. They’ll also know that you’ve chosen your personal preference only after looking at all the facts....

January 21, 2023 · 3 min · 440 words · Mary Nash

3 Powerful Steps To Your Success

This sticker is indicative of a broader attitude in life, of letting things take their own course by believing they are all predetermined anyway (also known as fatalism). Now, it’s not only the deeply pious who take this attitude. I often see even the most committed secular folks say they’re leaving their lives in the hands of fate, the universe, or whatever else. I think we can do better. Let’s build Heaven on Earth for ourselves and make sure we get what we want out of life and achieve true success....

January 21, 2023 · 3 min · 591 words · Susan Seling

3 Ruthless Email Responses To Achieve Inbox Zero

It’s not that I hate email, it’s that I hate email backlog. It happens to the best of us. We save emails that we can’t initially reply to yet, we hold onto emails that we want to dive into at a later date and we keep emails as a reminder of an action we have to take. The result is usually a very full inbox staring back at us as we try to get the stuff done that actually matters....

January 21, 2023 · 4 min · 643 words · Thomas Chavira

3 Steps To Fighting The Unfairness Of Life

So, I said to myself: You can choose to see it as a lesson learned resulting from another epic episode of failure, or you can choose to find its origins in an inadequate, unlucky birth. You can blame it on the odds wrongfully playing against you. The truth is that if you ever choose to stop trying, and if you decide to stick to the “I’d rather not”, you’ll probably end up with a lot of “What if” thus continuing the unfairness of life by default....

January 21, 2023 · 3 min · 542 words · Coreen Heyer

3 Ways To Save Money On Dog Food

1. Cook it yourself One of the easiest ways to save money on your dog’s food is to make it yourself. Food cooked at home tends to be much better than what’s available at the store. It can also be more cost effective. There are many tasty recipes that are extremely healthy because you can use organic ingredients and avoid any preservatives or artificial flavors. The food made with natural ingredients will offer your dog all that’s best for him; it is highly nutritional and good for his health too....

January 21, 2023 · 3 min · 553 words · Brenda Duskey

30 Day Challenges And Experiments

Read and discuss this topic at Lifehack.Community Steve Pavlina explained his take on this back in April, relating the 30 Day Challenges he’s undertaken, many to deal with food. Personally, I’m in the middle of a 30 Day Challenge to get up at 5:30 every morning, 7 days a week. Coming in November, I’m taking on the 30 Day Challenge to write a novel in a month…

January 21, 2023 · 1 min · 67 words · Dollie Roby

30 Internet Things

This is a great list (if you skip past page 1’s intro) for reminding you of some of the things that are out there. Here are a few that caught my eye: Compare cell plans with WireFly. Hire a Nag at RemindMe.com Clean out your garage with SwapThing.com Hire a Virtual Office Manager The list goes on and on, and you should check it out for the “Oh yeah, I remember that!...

January 21, 2023 · 1 min · 90 words · Amanda Lent

30 Simple Things You Don T Realize You Do That Impress Everyone Around You

The kind of image you present to the world is determined by your actions, comments, attitude, behavior and even appearance. These things can be noticed within the first few seconds of meeting someone. So, how do you let people know who you really are? How do you impress everyone around you without big gestures or a lot of time? These 30 things might be simple, but they have a big impact....

January 21, 2023 · 6 min · 1277 words · Beverly Dalley

30 Wise Quotes About Hard Truths Of Life

As we grow up, we realize that the world does not revolve around us and our tenacious effort to make the world better place are no better than the futile labor of Sisyphus who rolled the stone all the way atop a hill only to watch it fall on its weight till eternity. There are myriads of feel-good quotes on internet which make you feel optimistic and give you positive vibes about life but the majority of these are utopian concepts and barely applicable in day to day life....

January 21, 2023 · 3 min · 584 words · Maureen Lones