It is said that musicians have unique brains that work in a positive way. It is also said that because of their unique brain works, they tend to be quite sensitive. I don’t know if ALL the musicians in the world are sensitive or not, but I know one thing for sure, they are super talented! More over, they are charming, attractive, and have unique styles of their own. And who wouldn’t want to date such flairs? Those lucky ones like me, know how amazing these musicians are. Here’s a sneak peak of some of the amazing things about dating musicians.

1. They write songs for you.

They don’t always need to be emotionally unbalanced to write songs. They can be happy, they can be tired, and they can be in love. They come up with such powerful lyrics, that, if the songs are meant for you, you will be swept away from your feet. Seems exaggerated? Absolutely not. The pop musicians will write very romantic lyrics, whereas, the rockstar musicians, or the heavy metal musicians may write some twisted lyrics that won’t make much sense to you, but trust me, the words have deep meaning. Regardless of how complicated or uncomplicated the libretto are, you have a whole song dedicated to you, and is displayed by your musician partner, and their band!

2. They provide you with endless lists of music.

Because they compose music for you doesn’t mean they do that only. They are your live jukebox. Ask them to play, or sing anything, and they will never hesitate. One thing is for sure, they love to show off their skills. Lets face it, we love to see them show off their skills as well! And the best part is, it doesn’t matter in what situation you are in, I mean, whether you are cooking, or dressing up for a party, or even taking a small break from your work at home, your partner would harmonize their instrument, and play you multiple music.

3. They provide you with free concert tickets.

Music doesn’t stop at home. Whenever, and wherever they are playing, or not playing, you have the privilege to access the backstage, and meet your other favorite music stars. You won’t even need a pass, or no bouncer will stop you. Your only pass is your partner. To put a cherry on top, you get to click photos with them, selfies or not, and take their autograph too. Another plus point: they know who you are!

4. They are coordinated.

When they are with their band, they have to coordinate with each other so that whatever music they produce must be perfect. Because of this coordination, it seems that outside of their “jamming”, they perfectly correlate, especially with their partners. Or at least, my partner does. We harmonize immaculately. And I have seen similar behavior in other musicians, and their partners. This is quite a talent in fact!

5. They are super talented.

Since they are talented enough to coordinate perfectly, did you think of other talents that they possess? These are the people who know how to touch your soul through music. These are the people who can play musical instruments of their choice- be it a guitar, a bass, maybe both, keyboard, drums, electric guitars, acoustic guitars, harmonica, and the list goes on. And the best part? They are so talented that they write their own lyrics, and compose their own songs. Apart from music, I know many musicians who love to cook, who paints, who acts, and who poises as fashion icons. Talk about natural talents! And us, their lucky partners, are so blessed to have them in our lives!

6. They are kids at heart.

The fact that they come up with music that have deep meanings, don’t mean they are all grown ups. These geniuses sharpen their minds through playing their favorite instruments, video games, getting involved in various sports, or something similar. They believe that playing instruments is a great way to unwind their minds. They love to poke, and joke around with each other. And yes, most of them thoroughly enjoys South Park, and Family Guy. You get to enjoy all these too!

7. They will never bore you. Never.

Whenever your beloved musician is around you, take one fact for guaranteed: you are not getting bored! It’s not only because they are kids at heart, it is also because of their charming nature, their entertaining attitudes, and their knack for music. Be it at home, or at a get-together, or even at a party, they are sure to take the lime light. And the amazing thing is, how proud you are of your partner! That smile doesn’t fade, right?

8. They have super concentration power.

Oh yes! They can concentrate on one piece of music for hours, until that segment is PERFECT. Because they are so used to this kind of concentration, it has become a natural habit for them. Their concentration flows into their private life as well, making them devote more on you. And them having concentration power has another advantage: they are hundred percent focused on pleasing you in bed.

9. With great concentration, comes great patience.

These two talents are correlated with each other. Because, they need patience to concentrate on one thing. Similarly, they need patience to listen to your nags, your complains, your conversation on specific works of yours, and the list is endless. They usually don’t complain much. This can mean two things: one, either they are super cool, and gives you enough space as not to muddle in your private affairs, unless, you ask for their help. Two, they simply daze out, pretending to listen to you throughout. Don’t take number two as a disadvantage point. Because, for example, if you want to lease out your anger for someone, who is the best person you can share it with? Your partner, the patient listener.

10. They are perfectionists.

They will make sure their music is perfect, and they will also make sure their relationship with their partner is perfect. There are certain small matters that these musician partners will focus on, and make them faultless. Also because, despite being perfect, they are so imperfect in their own manner, that it makes them perfect too! Dating a musician is one magnanimous experience that you don’t want to miss out! Your partner maybe one big hot-shot musician, or maybe a struggling one, regardless of what they are, they need your motivation, and love to produce more amazing music, and make you proud. Harmonize with your partner to make your life more rhythmic! Featured photo credit: Woman with Guitar via