Here are ten beliefs that will propel you towards the excellence you desire:

1. There are no mistakes in life.

There are only experiences. There is value behind every choice you make, even if the outcome turns out differently than you had hoped. Although it isn’t always easy to understand the meaning behind every “bad” decision, you gain wisdom in experiencing challenges. Be thankful for your missteps. They are your greatest teachers.

2. I am responsible for my present situation.

By blaming other people or circumstances for your present state, you fail to realize you are the one responsible for creating your own life. Don’t give your power away by maintaining the belief that you have no control over your future. You do! If you don’t have one already, begin cultivating an internal locus of control by being accountable for everything that happens in your life.

3. I will never stop learning.

The world is changing fast. To keep up with it you must be committed to continuing your education on a daily basis through reading, studying and interacting with others. Being dedicated to learning doesn’t necessarily mean you have to open up a textbook every day. It can be as simple as talking to a stranger and being receptive to the lessons that person might have to teach you.

4. I only need to be focused on the action I am taking in this moment.

In the pursuit of personal excellence, sometimes we set “big” goals for ourselves. In setting these benchmarks, it is easy to get overwhelmed. Consider this: to climb a mountain, you only need to concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other. Your goals will become more attainable when you break down the steps you need to take, then focus on completing each of them, one at a time.

5. It is OK to ask for support.

You aren’t on your journey alone. Allow the people who want your continued success to lend a hand, but also give someone you don’t know (but whom you admire) the opportunity to share their knowledge with you. Also remember that because of our global interconnectedness, many of the resources you seek will readily appear with the push of a few buttons. Asking for support demonstrates courage and openness.

6. I am dedicated to pushing myself beyond my existing boundaries.

To become a better version of yourself, you will have to take calculated risks. If you aren’t challenging yourself, you aren’t growing. In evaluating whether a chance is worth taking, consider whether your action has the potential to power you to a new personal high in your life. Then…close your eyes, plug your nose and jump off that cliff.

7. I am willing to adapt to changing circumstances.

Life can be a wild ride. Sometimes we don’t know what is waiting for us around the corner. The ability to recalibrate after something unexpected happens will not only expand your capabilities, but it will guarantee your sustained existence in an ever-changing world.

8. All knowledge I acquire has the potential to serve me.

Whether you are aware of it or not, you are constantly absorbing information from the world around you. Even those things you aren’t cognizant of (or don’t understand) have the potential to help you in your search for personal excellence. Some portion of this subconscious knowledge will likely surface as a future answer to a burning question or problem. Because of this, never discount any person or experience as worthless; that person or thing will someday serve you in a way you don’t expect.

9. I give myself permission to say no.

You can’t give to others if your personal gas tank is empty. To keep your tank full, stay in optimum performance condition by maintaining emotional, physical, mental and spiritual balance in your life. Sometimes this means saying no to others and saying yes to yourself.

10. By authentically expressing myself, I bring my unique signature to every person and thing I touch.

Stop allowing your mind to censor your heart’s desires, and live your passion. Take pride in your every strength and fault. Have full confidence in your gifts without comparing yourself to others. Nobody is more excellent at being you than you. Remember, the road to personal excellence never ends. As long as you are breathing, you will always be working towards realizing a newer, better version of yourself. Don’t get caught up in thinking you will be “complete” once you attain one goal or another. The achievement will be in your constant advancement. Your real joy will be in the journey. Featured photo credit: Young Businessman With Red Car Climbs the Rocks via Bigstock Photos