However, success isn’t just for the lucky and elite. It’s for anyone who wants to work hard and is prepared to strike when opportunity knocks at the door. Plenty of resources are available for people to become successful, it’s people’s responsibility to seek these opportunities out. Here are 10 excuses that you should immediately flush down the toilet.

1. I approach situations in life telling myself I’m too old

What do Oprah Winfrey, J.K. Rowling, Dustin Hoffman, Harrison Ford, Tina Fey, and Sylvester Stallone have in common? None of them achieved major success until they were over 30 years of age. Sylvester Stallone even starred in a pornographic movie just to keep his dream alive. (Talk about dedication) The point being is that age is just a number; it doesn’t have to define you. Age is used as an excuse for you to stop chasing your dreams and throw your creative spirit in the toilet. Stop using age as an excuse to settle and start making those dreams a reality by taking small steps each day. Dream big or go home, that’s what I say.

2. I approach situations feeling defeated because I have no qualifications

Just because you don’t have a fancy diploma from a prestigious school doesn’t make you any less capable than someone who has a degree. People like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of school, and they seem to have done alright for themselves. Having a degree is one of many ways of getting your foot in the door. If one door closes, then keep moving and knock on the next.

3. I approach my dreams with the mentality life is too busy to chase what I really want

In case you didn’t realize, everyone has the same 24 hours to work with. What one does with those given hours is what separates the successful from the people who fantasize about being successful. The majority of time when you hear people say, “I’m too busy” or, “I don’t have enough time to work on my side business,” they are either lazy or suck at time management. If you have enough time to watch TV, gossip at the water cooler, play Candy Crush, waste time on social media, and go party to be hungover the next day, then you have plenty of time to chase after your dream. If you work a 9-5 and want to eventually quit and start pursuing your passion, then shut the TV off and use the extra evening hours to kick-start that dream.

4. I approach situations waiting for all the stars to align before taking action

The perfect time is right now. Not tomorrow, next week, or next month. Putting tasks off is pure procrastination. This can primarily be attributed to laziness, fear or lack of confidence. Stop sitting on the sideline and get on the playing field. Time is precious, so make every moment count.

5. I approach life worried people will laugh at me

People will always look strangely at someone who does things outside of the norm. This is because most people are afraid to think for themselves and instead play the role of follower. Embrace being different from everyone; successful people are never a part of the majority. If your friends are laughing at you for taking a chance, they’re lashing out in frustration at how they wish they could be as bold as you.

6. I approach my goals and always stop because I think they’re too difficult

Anything worth pursuing is going to have it’s ups, downs and challenges. If becoming successful and living your dreams were easy, then there would be plenty of less people complaining on a daily basis. Embrace the challenge; it’s only going to make you a better individual. If the goal seems daunting, chop it down into smaller blocks that are more manageable.

7. I approach life thinking having no money means game over

Instead of thinking of how much money you don’t have for a goal, change your thinking to, “What can I do with the money I have currently that will put me closer to my desired outcome?” Successful people work with the resources they have. Before pulling your hair out about money you don’t have, develop a game plan. All the money in the world is a waste if you don’t have a game plan. Eliminate all non-essential costs in your life, start a budget, and then get to work.

8. I approach life scared of the unknown, so I stay in my comfort zone

The only way to become ultimately successful is to leave your warm and cozy comfort zone and venture out into the unknown where failure and embarrassment is a high probability. Successful people are the ones who take risks, not afraid of making mistakes, and willing to put their ego aside. Life is meant to be filled with unknowns, chaotic at times, and full of possibilities.

9. I approach life thinking only the ‘special few’  make it

Successful people who get what they want aren’t a secret society of individuals, nor superhuman. They are people who worked their butt off and took action, instead of only talking about it. They didn’t rely on some magical event to ignite them to start, nor rely on the internet for daily quotes. They had determination, consistency and willpower to achieve their goal.

10. I approach life with a small and simple outlook

Having an idea about where you want to go in life is one of the key attributes successful people possess. Instead of focusing on what your life currently looks like, take a moment to picture what it could be a year from now and beyond. Just because life isn’t awesome right now doesn’t mean it has to suck in the future. What do you think is the most important characteristic someone needs in order to become successful? Featured photo credit: sillydog via