Here’s how.

1. Show gratitude.

Don’t wait to have a certain thing, age, work, or relationship to be grateful for what you already have.

2. Learn to complain less.

Do an experiment and record all the times you complain during the day: while you are driving, being late, if you didn’t like what you ate, if your boss gave you extra work, etc. How many times have you complained? How many of those times did complaining have good result or solve the problem?

3. Stop thinking only about the future.

It’s OK to visualize and plan ahead, but don’t overlook things you can’t control, it is impossible to know what other people will think or feel about you or about certain situations.

4. Exercise.

It’s proven that exercise helps with releasing stress, keeps us healthy, and improves self-confidence. Make your body and well-being a priority and give yourself 30 minutes to move.

5. Never regret.

If you think you did something wrong, don’t just think about it; find a way to fix it and prevent it from happening again. Say what you think and don’t hide your opinion or thoughts without a reason; if you feel love for someone say so!

6. Stop criticizing.

Criticizing others or yourself wont give you any benefits, so why are you wasting your time?

7. Think abundantly.

If you think you have very little time, not much money, and no friends, then that’s what you’re going to attract; however, if you think abundantly and positively, you may find opportunities and reasons to change this mindset easily.

8. Do something that makes you happy every day.

Do this whether it’s having a cup of coffee, cooking a good breakfast, reading, watching a TV series, or whatever — the key is doing it consciously.

9. Enjoy the mornings.

It’s the first part of the day, so having a good attitude toward it can set your mood for the rest of the day. Embracing a morning routine can help you enjoy waking up early. Take some time to do something you like before 9 a.m.

10. Beware of the time you spend on internet.

Although it’s a very entertaining thing to do, watching videos of people doing weird stuff and browsing memes can take away the time you could spend talking to someone special, or doing something productive or creative.

Most of us tend to compare ourselves with what other people are doing, thinking the only way to be successful is by doing what others did, and what’s socially accepted, but having a minimalist mindset and focusing only on what we like to do and what we want bring us a clearer vision of the actions we can perform every day to get closer to our goals. Time is the one thing we can never be certain about, so there’s no point wasting your present thinking about all the things we’re missing, thinking we’re going to be finally happy when we get that desired job, desired relationship, or whatever it may be; minimalist people significantly reduce their negative thoughts by focusing on what truly matters, investing their time being present, and feeling grateful for what they already have. And even if you don’t live a minimalist lifestyle by owning few possessions, thinking as one can brighten up your days. —Anonymous Featured photo credit: Luca Zanon via

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