1. Kissing boosts your immune system.

A study published in the Medical Hypotheses Journal determined that kissing can increase the immune system of a woman, particularly from a virus known as cytomegalovirus, which, if contracted during pregnancy, can cause birth defects and blindness to an infant. In addition, kissing naturally passes minor diseases from mouth to mouth which potentially strengthens the immune system.

2. Kissing is a great way to burn calories.

Some reports state that kissing actually burns anywhere from 2 to 6 calories per minute. Although not necessarily as good as a 30-minute cardio workout, you could burn a handful of chocolate chips, or a half glass of wine just by smooching for an hour!

3. Kissing is a natural relaxer.

Stress is a big part of today’s society. With busy work schedules, kids, and extracurricular activities, it’s definitely a great idea to find a way of relaxing after a hard day. Kissing is the perfect activity to do this. It actually releases oxytocin in your body, which is a natural calming chemical. It also increases endorphins, which increase that feel-good sensation. Furthermore, a good make-out session increases dopamine, which increases romantic feelings, giving your body an overall good, relaxed feeling.

4. Kissing increases facial muscle mass.

Although most people focus on tightening up their abs or slimming down their thighs, don’t forget to exercise your facial muscles. As you age, your lose muscle elasticity, and wind up with saggy cheeks and double chins. Kissing uses 30 different facial muscles, which can help slow the process of saggy skin, especially in your cheeks.

5. Kissing prevents cavities.

Another great benefit of kissing is the prevention of cavities, but only if you slip your partner the tongue. Due to the increased production of saliva during kissing, bacteria in your mouth is washed away. This includes the bacteria that causes tooth decay, cavities, and plaque build-up.

6. Kissing is a possible cure for allergies.

According to research, the act of kissing decreases the growth of IgE antibodies in your blood. These are the antibodies that release histamine, which is responsible for allergy symptoms, including watery eyes and sneezing.

7. Kissing is good for heart health.

Yes, kissing is good for the heart in a romantic sense, but it’s also good for heart health. In fact, the more you kiss, the smaller the chance you will have high blood pressure and high cholesterol. This is mostly due to the fact that kissing decreases stress and improves overall satisfaction in your relationship.

8. Kissing relieves pain.

After a long hard day at work, many people experience back pain. Surprisingly, you should opt for kissing as opposed to pain relievers for treatment. As mentioned earlier, kissing releases endorphins in your body, which have been discovered to be more powerful than narcotics, such as morphine, when it comes to relieving pain.

9. Kissing increases lifespan.

Some studies have shown that kissing your loved one each day can increase their life by up to five years. These studies have focused on married men who give their spouses a kiss every morning before leaving for work. Unfortunately, the study did not find the effect was true for women, but it still gives you that feeling of wanting more when hubby comes home, which has its own health benefits.

10. Kissing alleviates headaches and cramps.

During a woman’s menstrual cycle, she often experiences cramps and headaches. Although many women tend to want to curl up in a ball writhing in pain, there is another solution. Kissing helps to promote blood vessel dilation, which will naturally ease the pain from both cramps and headaches.