1. Millionaires are Hard Workers

During a survey by Spectrem, 94 percent of millionaires said that hard work was the number one factor in their success. This could be in the form of literally building their businesses from the ground up, like Sam Walton and Walmart, or creating and acting upon new ideas everyday, like Steve Jobs and Apple. How you can apply it: Hard work is a must if you want to be a millionaire. You’ve got to accept that and be willing to get your hands dirty.

2. Most Millionaires are Self-Made

Today, the amount of millionaires who inherited their wealth is around 18 percent and that number seems to be falling. Most millionaires started out with very little and many were born into extreme poverty. Some of the most popular and most impressive examples include Carl Icahn, Larry Page and Jeff Bezos. How you can apply it: Don’t use another person’s inheritance as an excuse for why you can’t do it yourself. Most millionaires made their money on their own; that means you can do the same if you put your mind to it.

3. Millionaires Want You to be a Millionaire

Millionaires understand that there is enough wealth for you to be rich too and it actually helps them in different ways. More millionaires means more business and enterprise and that helps everyone. Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump even wrote a book called “Why We Want You to be Rich”. It’s true, it’s not a battle, but more of a buddy system. How you can apply it: Become a millionaire. Next! I know, easier said than done, but this list is a great starting point for you to be on your way. Keep reading…

4. Millionaires are Not Jacks of All Trades

You’ve heard the phrase “Jack of all trades, master of none” right? Well millionaires are quite the opposite. It’s common for them to be masters of one, or possibly a few different things, but not many. Millionaires figure out what they’re good at and what they’re passionate about, then they devote their life to it. How you can apply it: Stop trying to master everything. Figure out what your one thing is and devote everything you’ve got to it. Master your one thing.

5. Millionaires Have Multiple Streams of Income

It’s not just about diversifying, it’s about creating more wealth through different avenues. Warren Buffett owns more than one stock, just like Jeff Bezos owns more than one company. Millionaires find their specialty and branch out. It almost always takes multiple streams of income to truly become rich. How you can apply it: Start your multiple streams now. They may start small, but they don’t have to stay small. Try different businesses and investing approaches, just makes sure you understand what you’re doing when you get started.

6. Millionaires Value Education

With the college dropout stories of Mark Zuckerberg (founder of Facebook) and Matt Mullenweg (founder of WordPress), it’s easy to discredit education, but when you consider that most millionaires have a minimum of a bachelors degree, it’s easy to see that these successful dropouts are the exception to the rule. The top 3 degrees for millionaires are engineering, business and economics. As far as the super-rich, economics degrees seem to take the cake. And remember, many of these college dropouts used the knowledge they learned in college to start their business in the first place. How you can apply it: Get an education! If you decide to dropout and become a self-made millionaire, more power to you, but getting started with an education will increase your chances for earning more money.

7. Most Millionaires Don’t Feel Rich

Generally, when you’re a millionaire, there are still thousands of people with more money than you, so millionaires don’t often think of themselves as “rich”. We all tend to define success in our life by the next thing coming and millionaires are no different. Just like you think you will be happy with that next promotion or that new car, millionaires usually think they would be considered rich when they hit the next million or a billion. How you can apply it: We can all takeaway an important lesson here. Be where you are now and be happy with it. You are getting better, wealthier and smarter, but that doesn’t mean you have to wait until you hit the next level to enjoy it.  Enjoy your life now.  Right where you are.

8. Millionaires Don’t “Look” Rich

You probably see people all the time who drive brand new Escalades and live in mini-mansions, and they’re probably in debt up to the roof. They might even be broke based on their income, versus their spending. The “keeping up with the Joneses syndrome” traps many people. The Joneses are broke! Most millionaires live in conservative homes and drive cars that are a few years old. They focus more on having money than having stuff. How you can apply it: Never focus on what other people think. Budget your money and invest wisely. That’s the road to wealth. Huge homes and fancy cars are quick roads to piles of debt. The main takeaway here is: spend less than you make!

9. Millionaires Know They Can’t do it Alone

They may be self-made, but that doesn’t mean they did it alone. Millionaires understand the value of making friends, networking and seeking help from experts when they need it. Most millionaires report that they had a mentor along the way and that their mentor played a huge role in their success. How you can apply it: If you want to do something big, you’re going to need help. Becoming a millionaire is no different. It’s important to reach out to others for advice and mentorship.

10. Millionaires Love to Shop…Differently

If you develop a habit of buying new clothes, cars and toys on a regular basis, you are developing a habit that will leave you broke. Millionaires love to shop, but they shop differently. They look for good deals on businesses and stocks, not new motorcycles and 1000 inch TVs. They know the difference between assets and liabilities and they focus on the former rather than the latter. How you can apply it: Shift your mindset to buying assets over liabilities. One of the most important factors between the rich and poor is that rich people buy assets and poor people buy liabilities. Shop like a rich person. Today there are literally millions of millionaires across the globe. Millionaires are different. They are not the status quo, but being different may not mean what you thought it did. These are all common characteristics of millionaires and even billionaires. Develop these traits and you’re on your way to becoming one. Featured photo credit: OnInnovatio via flickr.com