Cuddling is one of the easiest ways experience the intimacy we need with our loved ones. Along with so many benefits, it’s definitely something that can’t be sacrificed. Cuddling is not just for women, men long to cuddle as much as women do.[1] There are many surprising benefits of cuddling, it’s good for your body and soul — read on, and you’ll want to cuddle someone right now!

1. Release a Feel-Good Hormone

Oxytocin is a hormone that does everything from making you feel good to helping you feel connected to others.[2] Oxytocin is crucial in the act of cuddling, as you’ll see from its benefits popping up in the list below.

2. Boost the Immune System

The release of oxytocin, this feel-good hormone makes you feel like nothing can hurt you—which is an amazing benefit! It also increases hormones that help fight infection. Basically, you’re boosting your immune system because you’re feeling too good and healthy to get sick. The power of positive thinking—and feeling loved and secure—actually works!

3. Relieve Pain

Just as it boosts your immune system, cuddling and releasing oxytocin will decrease your pain levels. It’s like whenever your neck hurts, you rub it. Even simple touches like that release enough oxytocin to make you feel better, so imagine the effect cuddling has — a full body contact with another human.

4. Lower the Risk of Heart Disease

Stress management coach and holistic therapist Catherine A. Connors says,[3] Your heart is happier and not working as hard to combat the effects of stress and sickness, you’ll be healthier, longer.

5. Reduce Social Anxiety

Oxytocin inspires positive thinking. It helps you have an optimistic outlook on the world. Which means when you get a hug right as you arrive at the party where you only know one person, you’re going to feel happier and more social going in. You’ll feel like you can charm everyone at the party. And with oxytocin coursing through your system, you will!

6. Deepen Your Relationships

Communication is important in relationships, but people often forget how effective and meaningful touch can be. When your career is so stressful you come home and can’t stop thinking about the job, you’re taking a negative toll on your relationship. Instead, imagine coming home and cuddling with your partner for even ten minutes a day. This brief break from the stress of everyday life will not only give you all the other benefits listed here, but will also deepen your relationship. You’ll be taking time to focus solely on your partner and what you feel for them.

7. Lead to Intimacy in a Relationship

Even a touch can release dopamine, which is a hormone that increases the desire for your significant other. Getting a sweet hug or massage from your partner after a long day can lead to more, which is win-win for both of you!

8. Help Mothers Bond

Oxytocin is in relation to childbirth and breastfeeding. This chemical doesn’t just inspire good feelings between couples; it also works for women and their babies. Oxytocin helps relax the mother, so that breastfeeding may come more easily.

9. Help You Sleep Better

Whether you’re spooning all night long or just cuddling with your partner for 10 minutes before you go to sleep — triggers your body to release oxytocin that helps you bond with your partner and relieve stress. When you’re not so anxious, and more relaxed, you’re likely to fall asleep faster and have better sleep.

10. Reduce Stress

Oxytocin is an amazing natural hormone that has so many benefits for the human body. It’s only natural that all these positive effects are going to release stress, also. You’re feeling more connected with your partner, you’re feeling confident in social situations, your immune system is stronger— nothing can stress you out. You have a great, cuddle-filled, loving life.

Cuddling Is for Everyone

Cuddling doesn’t have to be between you and your romantic partner. It doesn’t even have to be with another person—you can rub your own shoulders! You can also hug friends or play with your pets. If you don’t want to be social or don’t have a furry friend, never fear! You can take a warm bath or get a massage. Feeling warm and connected by some sort of touch is enough to release oxytocin into your system and get you feeling good. Featured photo credit: Stocksnap via