1. You get pep talks from someone who knows you

We all know that motivation is very important and, sometimes, it gets really difficult to get yourself pumped up for your workout. Sometimes, there are real problems in our way, but other times we simply rationalize and say that it’s OK to skip training today, and tomorrow, and the day after that. Now, imagine if you have someone who knows all your excuses and can find a way to get you going during those “tough” days. I don’t just mean sweet talking you into it but also showing you some tough love and getting you really hyped. Couples who do this know each other better and don’t let each other slip into their bad habits.

2. You focus more and work out better together

Social psychologists have proven thorugh studies that people who work out in the presence of their partners perform better. We are simply wired to attempt to be the best version of ourselves in front of each other and you have access to a bigger pool of energy. The mere presence of your partner works to your advantage and vice versa.

3. You spend more time together

A variety of joint activities that you do together inevitably leads to closeness and greater familiarity, and this applies to all couples. Working out is not easy. If it is easy, you are probably doing it wrong, and being that you are going to prepare for, go through and relax after the training session together means that you are really going to spend some time together.

4. You are not grossed out by sweat anymore

Getting used to each other when you are smelly is an inevitable part of intimacy. I mean come on, you can’t always smell like a field of flowers, can you? Any couple that has some comfort issues between them should try to intensely workout together. When you start dripping from excretion, smells quickly become irrelevant. Working out together means you both need a shower afterwards, most times together.

5. You can blow out steam better

Things can really get hectic and some days are just plain bad. You come home, you are cranky and sometimes you lash out at your partner who wanted nothing else than to cheer you up. This kind of frustration transfer can be very bad but going to the gym together where you can lash out your rage at the weights, while you confer emotionally with a person close to you, can mean the world for your stress levels, as well as your stability as a couple.

6. Your sex life gets much better

There are a lot of skeptics out there who claim that you don’t need to be physically fit to have a good sex life and you don’t, but being fit helps a lot. First of all, your body is capable of lasting longer as well as performing better and with more variety. Having visually more appealing bodies boosts your passion for each other, as well.

7. You massage each other regularly

While a lot of couples use massages for special occasions, stressful days and as an excuse to get intimate, you two will realize that it is much more than that. A good massage after a hard workout means a great deal to your body and is something you can’t do yourself. This will make you appreciate each other even more and be more than willing to return the favor.

8. You and your partner learn to work as a team

You don’t need anyone to help you out, you have a trustworthy person next to you and you are ready to go. Also, you always have someone to watch you and point out that you might be doing something wrong, which reduces the possibility of injury and helps you get better results.

9. You start to appreciate slow days more

In some cases, couples start hating their routine and this can create a lot of problems. When you work out on a regular basis, you consider slow days a blessing and you don’t complain about them at all. It is a chance for the two of you to lay back, relax and do nothing except maybe watch a few episodes of your favourite TV show.

10. You grow stronger together

Watching a person grow stronger next to you and go through weakly hardships with you lets you see a side of them you probably never saw before. Seeing them brave through the pressures and coming out triumphant really builds the trust you have in them and you will start viewing them as a capable person that can adapt to changes and pull their own weight in a relationship. Recognizing these qualities in each other is a big step forward in a relationship. As you can see, there are more than a few reasons to workout as a couple. After all, everything is much more easily achieved if you have someone who cares about you and who you care for to brave you onward and to rely on when times get hard. In the end it, is also very romantic, wouldn’t you say? Featured photo credit: Couple yoga of woman and man on the house-top via shutterstock.com