As the greatest Jedi Master of the Jedi Order, Yoda influenced generations of Jedi with enlightened advices.  By providing guidance and sage wisdom, he was the driving force behind the heroes like Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Yoda’s most important apprentice was probably Luke Skywalker, whom he trained to become the future of the Jedi. Yoda would time to time rigorously test his trainees to mental and physical extremes and yet he was humble and gentle. His students often strongly disagreed with him at first, but gradually came to understand his insights. So, here we go.  Below is handful of my favorite quotes amongst his many famous phrases from Star Wars films.  You may ponder, share his words of wisdom, learn from them and apply them to your own life. You will for sure discover his profound wisdom in each quote which will start transforming your everyday life. Now, read on!