Tons of material has been written on the winning formula for success, but success entails a lot more than knowing how to succeed. What’s good to know, though, is that it has to do less with the capabilities people are born with, and more with the attitude they have towards life. So what do winners do differently? Here are 10 mindsets of true winners that you can adopt to become successful in life.

1. They understand there is no shortcut to success

True winners focus on long-term gains rather than short-term rewards. They understand that success is something that happens over a period of time so they patiently work towards achieving their ultimate goal.

2. They are not afraid to fail

They do not let failures dampen their confidence. They are go-getters. Once they decide what they want, they go get it. Period.

3. They follow their heart

Steve Jobs once famously said, “Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice.” True winners do not let the opinions of others dictate their decisions. Once they set their eyes on achieving a goal, they do not let negative opinions of others sway their determination.

4. They speak their mind

They are not afraid of calling a spade a spade. Even when they know that their opinion is not the popular one, they guide their response by what they feel and not by the approval of others.

5. They constantly push their limits

True winners are always seeking new challenges. They are not afraid of treading unfamiliar territories. They enjoy learning new skills while improving their existing skills.

6. They let their actions do the talking

Rather than worrying about how to get things done, they work hard on achieving what they want. True winners in life focus on actions. They know that just having a winning mindset is not enough to succeed. Unless it is backed by concrete actions it is bound to fail.

7. They settle with nothing less than being the best

They are never satisfied with being good. They seek to be the best. They do not do things half-heartedly. No matter what they do, they put their best foot forward. It is this gimlet-like tenacity that differentiates them from the crowd.

8. They are problem-solvers

They look at problems with a positive attitude and constantly ask themselves, “What can I do to make things better?” They believe in finding solutions rather than complaining about the problems.

9. They believe in results

They are result oriented. They do not judge the success of a project by the time and effort they have put in. They judge it by the results it has produced. If they find out that their initial plan is not working, they quickly recalibrate and get going again.

10. They do not follow the crowd

True winners do not have a herd mentality. They focus on carving their own path rather than scrambling to get where everyone else wants to go. Their choices are motivated by what they truly want to do in life and what makes them happy. Featured photo credit: WWG13 Alpine Skiing Germany_SOI Photo Stream/austria2017 via