We live in a world that is plagued with going with the conventional way and settling for the ordinary. But that is not the approach of the successful. Successful people are restless and nothing is good enough until it becomes better. That is why they ask the right questions and discover ways to answer them.

1. Is this what I really want to do?

Many people do not know how much passion and desire connects to bring forth success. They settle for what is below par because they are okay with the status quo. But successful people are concerned about giving something extra and making a difference. Whatever they are committed to has to borne out of a desire and an unquenchable passion to excel in.

2. Will this provide an avenue for growth?

In the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad, by Robert Kiyiosaki, Rich Dad says: Successful people are not okay with being boxed up in a comfort zone. Beyond getting an experience in a venture they want to be certain that they will learn and grow from it.

3. What strategies will define my success at this?

Successful people are not only concerned about the beauty or the splendor of getting what they want. With a dream, they build a design. They want to have a road map on how their project, task or mission can be accomplished.

4. Do I have the belief to accomplish this?

They want to be able to determine their success with the resilience and conviction it requires. They are not just eager but they have a calm feeling of assurance that within there is the knowledge and strength to see them through it.

5. What are my greatest strengths?

Successful people know their flaws and their weaknesses, having knowledge on these two things help them know where and how to channel their energy. They focus on their greatest strengths because they know what competitive advantage they have over every other person in the race for success.

6. Can I improve the lives of others with this?

Successful people know that their happiness is not independent but rather also dependent on the satisfaction and happiness of others. They are concerned about adding value and making a contribution to the lives of their clients, family and their communities.

7. What rules have to be broken to get this done?

Successful people cherish character and reputation. And if the journey to a successful venture doesn’t align with their values it is not worth it. They want to have a satisfactory feeling of accomplishment rather than a self destructive one of misery.

8. Am I learning from my mistakes?

As much as successful people look ahead at a gladdening horizon, they also look back at their worst hours. They know that those periods of low results can provide knowledge on how to approach the future. Nothing should be ignored; rather they take a cue from the past and try not to repeat mistakes.

9. Will the people around me be supportive or destructive?

There is relevance in surrounding yourself with the right team to see you through success. Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg and Richard Branson, CEO of Virgin Group have not only built a strong company culture but also the right team to help them actualize their goals of success. It will always be important to find like minded people who will help you strengthen your goals.

10. What bad habits do I need to stop that can alter my success?

Successful people know that they are not good enough. They want to be more productive and resourceful. And destructive habits can be a roadblock to achieving the success faster. If they are waking up late and need to wake up earlier, they do that. If they have to stay healthier by visiting the gym, they do that. Success is a non-stop cycle and it means making progress ahead of challenges. Featured photo credit: http://www.pixabay.com via pixabay.com