1. Why do I do the work I do?

There are millions of ways to make a living. If the steady paycheck is the only reason you remain at your job, and you loathe your work year after year, I highly recommend you consider figuring out what truly lights you up. Check out this free workbook to help you find your passion.

2. Am I focusing my life on what truly matters to me?

Think about what you want your priorities to be. Are you focusing your life on your priorities? It’s easy to get caught in the daily grind of a mind-numbing routine. Carefully consider how you’re spending your time. When you focus your life on what really matters to you, life is more fulfilling.

3. What bad (or even mediocre) things can I let go of in my life to make room for the amazing?

There are only 24 hours in each day, so making time for the amazing things in life will require you to let go of certain things. Think about how you’re spending your time. Are there activities you can get rid of to make room for things you really love?

4. Am I surrounding myself with people who inspire me?

One of my favorite quotes is by Jim Rohn, who said, “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.” Think about who you hang out with. The people you surround yourself with will make a huge difference in the kind of life you live.

5. Am I setting big enough goals?

Setting big goals and working toward reaching them keeps life exciting, and helps ensure that you are continually learning. Big goals often require us to step out of our comfort zone, which is where growth occurs. —Michelangelo.

6. Have I convinced myself I’m “fine” when I’m really not?

In her TED Talk, how to stop screwing yourself over, Mel Robbins describes how telling ourselves we’re fine when we’re really not can hold us back in our lives. Are you seriously doing fine, or are you telling yourself you’re fine to avoid taking action and making changes in your life?

7. Am I taking care of myself?

Taking care of yourself is important, in the multiple areas of wellness. You can be your best when you take care of yourself. Check out this article, 50 small things to do every day to really love yourself.

8. Am I settling for a less than an amazing life?

It really is possible to do work you love, to have a wonderful relationship, and to spend your time doing what truly matters to you. Yet millions of people succumb to living their lives in quiet desperation, wishing things in their life would change, as they settle for less than what they really desire. You have the potential to make a big impact on the world, and to live an amazing life.

9. If this was about to be the best year of my life, what would be happening?

This question can help clarify your big dreams. Picture this being the best year you could possibly have, and describe it in great detail. Where are you working? Who are you spending time with? Where do you live? What do you accomplish? Your answer to this question can help you design your life so you can make your dreams your reality.

10. Am I the person I want to be?

Think about the best version of you. Are you acting as if you are that person? Who do you want to be? How do you want to be remembered? How do you want to act as a friend, family member, and coworker? What do you want to stand for? Are you being the person you want to be? Some of those 10 questions are hard. They’re intended to get you thinking about what you’re doing with your life, and evaluate whether or not change is needed. If you’re not living a life you love, keep working toward it. It’s possible to design a life you love. Featured photo credit: Douglas Scortegagna/https://flickr.com via flickr.com