1. Hair

Two words: dry shampoo. If you wake up without time to shower or you just get stuck too long sweating in the summer humidity, dry shampoo will save the day. You can apply it on unwashed hair as it absorbs the oil right up. Plus, it comes in powder or spray forms that you can even carry in your bag or store at work for emergencies. Never fear, with dry shampoo, clean hair is here! Honestly, I can hardly believe civilization managed for so long without it.

2. Eyebrows

These days, eyebrows are all the rage.  Scientists have even shown that eyebrows are your most crucial feature for communicating – I guess it’s because they’re so expressive! Truth be told, if you don’t have time to do justice to your eyes, sometimes it’s better to skip over them entirely and just focus on brows. Thankfully, taking just 10 seconds to apply some brow wax or liner can give amazing brows that will make your eyes look great, too! I can’t deny how cute my sister looks with those.

3. Lips

If you want to make a statement with your look in about three seconds flat, grab a great lipstick. In less time than it will take you to read this sentence, you can swipe on some color that will have your friends and coworkers – heck, maybe even some smitten strangers on the street – covering you in compliments. Get a gorgeous lipstick that you can rely on for all occasions. Keep in your bag for touch ups or so you can apply it even on the go!

4. Skin

There’s a reason contouring is the latest craze. Have you ever seen one of the Kardashians? Their skin looks flawless, their cheekbones are on point and all of their features pop. All you really need to do is a contour with a contrasting shade of makeup-cream or powder – so that you can create highlights where you want to draw attention and shadows for things you want to fade out a bit. With a bit of practice, you should be able to do a basic contour in just minutes! And even if you’re not up to adding it to your everyday look, trying it out for special occasions will make a world of difference. You should contour before you go anywhere where people will be taking pictures of you – the photos always end up looking so good as if you have photoshopped it!

5. Nails

Another thing that’s small but always noticeable is your nails. Whether you’re waving at a co-worker or just clutching your morning coffee for dear life, they’re always there making a statement. If you need to spruce up your nails but don’t have time for a manicure, you’ll be amazed by how much of a difference you can make with just some simple filing and cuticle care.

6. Perfume

If you simply don’t have time to look your best, then try playing with the other senses. They say scent is actually the most important sense for attraction. Apply just a spritz or two of a nice, classy perfume before you rush out the door and be guaranteed that you’ll at least smell gorgeous.

7. Clothing

You may be tempted to dress down on days when you didn’t have enough time to do your usual hair and makeup routine, but that’s actually a huge mistake. Instead, pull out your most dazzling dress or that cute new skirt. Not only will you look better, but studies have actually shown that your mood will improve, too!

8. Jewelry

You don’t need a lot of jewelry to make a big difference. Just adding some classy earrings or a big statement necklace is enough for people to notice the difference. If you’re like my sister who wants to sleep in as much as possible, you can even consider laying out your jewelry for the day ahead of time or tossing it in your bag to put on at work. If you need to draw attention away from a blemish or a stain on your shirt, jewelry is definitely the way to go.

9. Posture

It will sound like the 1900s etiquette book, but it’s true – posture can make or break your look! I’m not asking you to walk around carrying a book on your head, but you really can change so much about how you appear to others just by straightening your back or relaxing your shoulders. Good posture can make you appear taller, thinner, and more confident! These days with people spending so much time hunched over computers or craning down at their smartphones bad posture is a bigger problem than ever, but that’s all the more reason to make sure you stand out in a good way by fixing yours!

10. Attitude!

You’ve heard it before, but I’ll tell you again – confidence is the key! If you go out into the world thinking you look gorgeous, chances are people will believe you. It’s like some kind of Jedi mind trick, but there’s even research to back it up. So, if all else fails, just give yourself some positive affirmations before you leave the house and soon you’ll go from faking it to making it! If you need to look good and you’re really, truly pressed for time, don’t spread yourself too thin by trying to fix everything. Instead, focus on one or two features like your lips or your outfit and really do them right. People will notice your gorgeous lipstick or stunning blouse and be totally distracted from anything amiss. Featured photo credit: picjumbo.com via picjumbo.com