However, the difference here being that no one group is dominant in the ambivert; each side compliments the other. There are many extroverted vs introverted warrings going on, so we thought we’d give a nod to the wonderful ambiverts out there who help to keep the peace and remind us we are all simply wonderful!

1. They are intuitive

They are aware of subtle changes in people, tone and environments. Intuitive, like the introvert, the ambivert is well positioned to notice when something is up, but like the extrovert, will offer to discuss any underlying issues with the individuals or groups of people, and work with them to work it out.

2. They are inspiring

Both introverts and extroverts can see themselves reflected in the ambivert and so are inspired and influenced, rather than turned off, by their attributes. An introvert will turn away from an extroverted leader who is far too brash or loud, or who intimidates them, and the extrovert will find no inspiration in an introverted leader who tends to come slightly unstuck in social situations, or who the extrovert feels is unable to take charge.

3. They are assertive

They are not afraid to speak up, and how. Strong, direct yet respectfully aware whilst commanding that same respect, the ambivert is a true leader in every sense. A perfect mix of confidence, self-assuredness and quiet strength.

4. They liaise like a pro

Different clients and contacts require different approaches in communication. An extrovert may put off an introverted contact if they come on too strong, and the introvert may appear anti-social to an extroverted investor looking for a people-person. Ambiverts are adept at adapting to any situation, and are able to rise to the occasion without having to play out of range.

5. They don’t fake it

There’s nothing like an introvert being told to act extroverted, or an extrovert constantly being asked to “tone it down” to throw a spanner in the works. An ambivert has the clear advantage here as they can get on with the task at hand without worrying which of their many personalities need to come out and play. They are free to just be and navigate perfectly, the murky waters of prescribed conduct, and have no problem being themselves in all situations. And because they’re not having to pretend to be something they’re not, they are less likely to experience burn out.

6. They delegate according to strength

Ambiverts make excellent managers as they are well aware of the strengths of both personality groups and play to those strengths accordingly, in order to get the best and most efficient results from their workers. Want someone to wine and dine clients all week? The extrovert is your call. Need someone to read and review that new book over the weekend? The introvert is your go to. Everyone’s happy!

7. They wrote the book on networking

Send them into the lions den that is the networking room, and they’ll come back with hundreds of new leads and 100 new confirmed clients for you to work with, and possibly keys to a new yacht! They’ll be the highlight of the room, and when it’s time to wine down and recharge, they’ll know when to bid adieu, and leave the room on a high. Fist pump!

8. They don’t play favourites

With a balanced personality and a more balanced outlook on life, they show no favouritism to one side, and therefore are fair in their dealings. You won’t get the bully-boss who only picks on the introvert, or the boss who runs a mile from their extroverted employees. They are approachable to all, and not an anomaly. They’re not in the business of asking you to be more “out there” or calling you “anti-social”. They see, and know all too well both sides of the coin.

9. They make excellent peacekeepers

In a world that has gotten far too used to bashing opposing personality types, ambiverts are the cool and calm hippies of the world. They’re all about keeping the peace because they understand that no one personality type is better than the other. They are the mediator, refusing to speak ill about either. To the ambivert, each personality is pure gold and we should just all respect each other and get along!

10. They get you

A confidant, who embraces your personality and encourages you is someone anyone would be glad to follow. There’s no having to explain or convince or apologise with the ambivert. They understand who you are. You’re free to just be, which builds confidence, which in turn makes you a confident and competent worker. And that’s always a good thing. Featured photo credit: Luo Ting/Jonathan Kos-Read via