1. They have a good sense of discipline

Men who play sports often have a solid grasp on working towards specific goals, whether it is improving the defense or planning a workout to improve their strength. This self-discipline translates well to their role as a husband, whether it is managing the family’s finances or perfecting a chicken alfredo dish that their mother used to make when they were younger.

2. They tend to be sociable

Guys who are athletic are used to being around people, and enjoy the camaraderie of their teammates. Even if they are into solo sports like biking, running or surfing, they enjoy conversing with their fellow bikers, runners or surfers that they see when they train on the trails or the beach. There are many moments as a couple where you will be in social situations and it is nice to have someone by your side who can carry a conversation.

3. They know the benefits of friendly competition

Husbands who are involved in sports are always ready for a little harmless competition between their wives. Whether it is a race to see who can get to the car first or a bet on who will win The Bachelor, life is more fun with these games.

4. They are often healthier

It goes without saying that husbands who enjoy sports are in good health. This translates well to their relationship at home because not only are they physically fit, but working out makes them mentally happier as well. It also means that they tend to support healthier eating habits for their families as well.

5. They are great role models

Men who have a good sense of discipline from playing sports make great role models for their children. Your children will always look up to their dad as someone who works hard toward their goals, no matter how hard they may be.

6. They known how to deal with obstacles

Men who are into sports are familiar with hardships that may arise, from a sprained ankle to disagreements with team members. This translates well to their role as a husband because they can face life’s obstacles with grace and not give up when the going gets rough.

7. They know the importance of teamwork

Husbands who enjoy sports know that teamwork is crucial to the success of their team. This carries over to their role as a husband because they understand the importance of unity as a family and working together towards common goals.

8. They have great leadership skills

Men who play sports are likely to have leadership ability because they often have to make important discussions while they are playing, whether it is to do a certain move or to discuss team strategy with fellow teammates. In life there will be a lot of difficult decisions that you have to make together as a team and it is reassuring to know that you have someone with a strong sense of leadership by your side.

9. They have a lot of energy

Having a husband who is energetic and willing to be up for new adventures is always a plus. Men who are athletic are usually willing to go on a spontaneous bike ride or take a summer road trip along the coast.

10. They can be flexible in their ways

For some men, it can be hard transitioning into marriage from being a bachelor. Luckily, sporty husbands are more likely to help with the daily chores around the house because they are used to trying new moves or plays that their coach or teammates suggest, and they know that taking up a new task is important for the success of the team. Featured photo credit: Beckham/Nathan Forget via flickr.com