2.They will help your texting to be top notch. After conversations with the Grammar Nazi what you’re texting will be understood, finally.

After a while of chatting with them you should be in rare form. Even if you’re doing it especially for them it helps your habits to have good grammar sometimes.

3. They call us old fashioned but the more correct your grammar is the classier you are. And we all need some class in our lives.

The Grammar Nazi will bring that much needed element of class you were needing. A lady or a gentleman will have the best grammar possible. This means your friend is classy, who doesn’t enjoy living among those wine drinking, book reading, know-it-all treasures?

4. They will teach you more words than anyone, and how to use them.

A good Grammar Nazi corrects more than just what you write. Though they prefer the term “Syntax Wizard” in lieu of Nazi, these friends will teach you what a thesaurus is. They know the different between the words write and right. We all know their corrections are just what they’re good at. So we forgive them.

5. They will always be there to edit any materials you need reviewed. They know how bad your grammar can get.

If you’re in school your nearest Syntax Wizard will help you with that paper you’re writing. You need a Grammar Nazi friend to review things for you. If you need to send messages or emails to anyone at work please, ask your friendly neighborhood Grammar Nazi.

6. They can not only keep you abreast of words from the urban dictionary, but the words from dead languages!

Who needs google translate when your friend knows the origin of every word you’ve heard of? Text them right now with a word. They will tell you how to use it. If they don’t know they will look it up for you, they take pride in it.

7. They are needed by writers. No one publishes without an editor.

If you’ve ever published something you know that it has been edited. Someone who’s job it is to be a Grammar Nazi was helping you have better material published. An editor is a friend.

8. They love to vandalize things with you. Mostly those things are signs or posts that require editing.

Did your boss just post a ridiculous memo on the wall at work? Correcting his/her grammar is the funniest passive aggressive way to get a laugh. Who else would do that besides your grammar Nazi friend? The bravest, boldest grammar Nazis have even been known to correct a sign or two. Spray paint washes off right?

9. They will always show you how to insult someone in the most creative way.

The best service a Grammar Nazi does for a friend is the way they give you the words to stand up for yourself. The pen is mightier than the sword. It can crumble the foundation or raise a city. A good proposal or well worded defense can be a gift your friend will be happy to give. They will always love to use their words first.

10. They’ve created more strange words with you than anyone else. Just use them correctly!

So many words have been created by the wordsmiths that call themselves Grammar Nazis. While mostly strict with syntax they know how to craft a goofy word that will put a smile on your face or give you a laugh. Featured photo credit: Quinn Dombrowski via flickr.com