“I have such a big nose.” “I’m so stupid.” When was the last time you said, “I love you,” to yourself? There are some surprisingly amazing benefits to this. If you want to increase your level of happiness, here’s why you should start saying those three little words—to yourself.
1. You deserve it.
You are a masterpiece. Not only are you great, you are great just the way you are. You’ve likely accomplished a lot in your life and you deserve love. So, why not leave yourself an “I love you” note as a reminder?
2. It will make your day better.
The kind of days where your friend cancels dinner, you didn’t get the job, and you just can’t find anything to wear are the days you need to hear, “I love you,“ most. The next time it seems nothing is going your way, try focusing on love instead of concentrating on what has gone wrong. See if your day doesn’t brighten—even just a little.
3. Your existing relationships will become stronger, and you’ll develop new relationships, too.
When you feel good about yourself, you are able to give more to others. You worry less about your own problems and can devote more time to your friends and family. This, in turn, will strengthen your existing relationships. In addition, people will naturally be attracted to the selflessness you exude, and they will want to get to know you more. Sounds good, right?
4. You will see an increase in your confidence and self-esteem.
When successes are challenged, people can lose confidence. It’s best to keep in mind that failure creates momentum for ambition. If you are having an I’m-not-good-enough moment, soothe yourself by saying, “It’s okay, I love you.” It’s the same thing you would do for your kids and husband or wife, isn’t it?
5. Your productivity will skyrocket.
When you have love in your heart, you get things done. You are more efficient at home. You are more effective at work. Your chances at success increase. You might land that promotion, solve that issue, or fix that item you’ve been meaning to fix. People will likely notice. Go on, now. Give it a try.
6. It will help you truly be present.
Forgive and forget—another set of three words with such huge meaning. Negative thoughts keep people stuck in the past. When you rethink and relive uncomfortable situations, you are preventing yourself from moving on. Telling yourself, “I love you,“ redirects your attention to the present moment (the here and now!) and lets you focus on what is happening right in front of you. Forgive. Forget. Then move on.
7. You will feel healthier.
Physical health is important. We truly need to take care of our bodies. We need to eat right, exercise, and drink lots of water. Also incredibly important is our mental health. Mentally healthy people feel good about their choices and are proud of themselves, which, in turn, allows them to work on their physical health. Balance out your health by improving both your physical and your mental health.
8. It will motivate you.
Maybe you’re feeling lethargic, you’re tired, and you’re having trouble getting going with your day. Love can go a long way. Sometimes you just need that extra push. Give it a whirl. It’s worth it.
9. It will make your mom happy.
—and your dad. And your brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandmas, grandpas, and friends, too. Those who love you will be happy to know you are treating yourself the way they would treat you. Not only that, but you will begin to appreciate your kindness and respect, too. Grandma would tell you she loves you, wouldn’t she?
10. It will make you laugh.
Everyone needs to laugh. If shouting “I LOVE YOU!” to yourself doesn’t make you laugh, giggle, or at the very, very least smile, try shouting louder! Laughter is happiness. And after all, isn’t that what we are all aiming for?