Here are just 10 of many reasons why an emotional partner, male or female, can be really good for you.

1. They show their true feelings which cannot be faked

It’s difficult for an emotional person to hide their feelings. What they experience deep within is shown in their expression or actions. No matter how hard they try to put on a stoic façade, you’ll know what they are feeling. Faked emotions and deceptive sentiments will have little place in their relationship with you.

2. They hold a deep love for their committed partner

Emotional people have a deep well of feelings which encompass the whole spectrum of emotions. Love is an area where an emotional partner will heavily invest their energy. A relationship is everything to this type of person and the cultivation and enhancement of the emotional connection will be their main drive. They’ll love you to the end of time, as long as you nurture the relationship, too.

3. You will never find anyone who will make love with as much passion

An emotional partner will show you just how deeply they love and desire you through their actions. This might be with a hug during the day or in bed when making love. In fact, the emotion of sex fills all their being and leads to intensely focussed and passionate love making. An emotional partner will desire your climax just as much as their own and they’ll make sure you reach it.

4. They are caring and compassionate to their partner

Compassion is commonly a well-known and respected attribute amongst emotional people. They feel things more deeply than other people and this leads to a more caring personality. Their partner’s feelings are important to them and they instinctively try to help when the other is sad or anxious. An emotional partner will be there when no one else is.

5. They will empathize with your emotions and read your feelings

You won’t always have to explain to an emotional partner what your troubles are. Their high levels of empathy allow them to pick up and feel what their lover is feeling. Whether happy or sad, a person with a depth of emotion will feel what you feel without a word being uttered. This can be a great source of comfort when all other people just seem to not understand.

6. They will strongly encourage you to follow your dreams

Emotional people are dreamers. They know what it’s like to have visions of a better future and because of this they are first to encourage others in their own dreams. Whilst the ideas and goals supported might sometimes be a little unrealistic, there’s still a wonderful feeling of belief and loyalty provided by an emotional partner on your wavelength. Their support could just be the fuel that catapults you to success.

7. Your beliefs and ideas will be developed through deep and meaningful discussions

An emotional partner loves to discuss the more meaningful things in life. They explore emotions, delve into the structure of a belief, and turn one idea into hundreds more. With an emotional partner, your philosophies and theories will be thoroughly tested and you’ll see and feel things you might not have otherwise experienced. They will enrich you with new insights every day.

8. They will inspire you with their acts of kindness and their dreams

Empathy, as mentioned previously, is a key facet in emotional people. This leads to actions of kindness, not only with their partner but also with society in general. They will often be the first to wipe away the tears of someone who is sad. Likewise they will be the first to offer encouragement and cheer when success has been achieved. They will inspire you to act in the same way and you’ll be happier for it.

9. You will be energized by their spiritedness

An emotional person is inspiring. Some of the greatest thinkers, artists, musicians and writers in history knew depths of emotion few could ever fathom. They were not only full of energy themselves but they energized the people around them. The creative spiritedness of an emotional partner is infectious and can be cultivated and enjoyed for the betterment of a relationship.

10. They won’t negatively judge you when you too wear your heart on your sleeve

People with strong emotions know what it’s like to display them in the open, both positive and negative ones. They understand the release it gives to loudly share happiness or to get rid of pent up tensions. It’s for this reason they acknowledge and empathize when their partner does the same. They won’t look at you with a confused or embarrassed expression. In fact, they’ll join in with your laughter or tears. Featured photo credit: Pixabay via