1. They have a firm resolve to reach their destination.

Reaching their destination is more important than any current setback they may face. They understand that success takes grit, perseverance and patience. And that comes against obstacles, challenges and being self-motivated rather than riding on the tides of others’ opinions. —Oscar Wilde

2. They know people’s opinions are in a flux.

We all are in a constant state of flux. According to philosophers and theorists, we are constantly changing. What successful people know is that if people’s wrong opinions are thwarted with their success, such opinion and thoughts change.

3. They are the ones with the goals.

The successful are responsible for their actions—this they know. If things go wrong in their lives, they bear the brunt and not every other person. Thus they take charge and make sure that they attain their dreams and desires against what others think of them. Even when Thomas Edison was told he was too stupid to learn anything he still went ahead to hold on to 1,000 patents. It was his responsibility to be successful and not his teachers.

4. They understand that life is too short.

They appreciate the very essence of their being and why it is necessary to make every second of their existence count. Dilly-dallying or being consumed with other people’s opinion becomes a distraction, and so they focus on what should be done.

5. They know what is best for them.

What applies to another person may not apply to you. Successful people do not ride through the sea on another person’s ship but on their own, because they know that only the vessel they are familiar with can take them to the coast of their dreams.

6. They are consistent.

They understand that success takes consistency. To be successful means staying on a track for success rather than going through several routes. People’s opinions could affect this consistency and this they ignore.

7. They know they cannot please everybody.

This is a hard truth. Not everyone will see the world the same way you see it. Living according to another’s expectation of you will only get you burned out and frustrated. Thus, they try to please themselves only.

8. They can deal with the complications of life

Many use their opinions or disapproval to get out of their complicated lives. By speaking against you they find a source to involve you in their complex lives. But successful can deal with the complicated approach life has presented to them by paying less attention to all the distractions before them.

9. They seek freedom.

Successful people are not prisoners. Imagine what must have been said of Walt Disney after being fired by his newspaper editors for “lacking imagination.” Even when his businesses failed before finally premiering “Snow White” he continued to seek freedom. According to Lao Tzu, “caring about what others think will only make you their prisoner.”

10. They don’t need anyone’s approval.

Whatever successful people do shouldn’t be validated by others because it really doesn’t matter. Success is success and it speaks for itself. People can think whatever they want but the responsibility of attaining success will always be your business, and you do not need anyone’s approval to go after your dreams. Featured photo credit: http://www.pixabay.com via pixabay.com