1. Being someone other than yourself never pays off in the end.

The number one thing you need to remember is that pretending to be someone else, even if you or others consider that someone else an improvement, never concludes with positive results. You have to make a true change to become a better person, not just pretend to be one.

2. You won’t be able to please everyone.

You just won’t. If anything, the harder you try to make everyone happy, the less likely they’ll end up satisfied with your efforts. People can sense when you’re being fake, so instead of that try embracing sincerity by being true to yourself.

3. You don’t know what other people want.

Even if you think you know what others want from you, you’re probably wrong. Unless people have outright told you the problems they have with you, an uncommon occurrence, you’ll at best be playing a guessing game.

4. Other people don’t really know what they want, either.

Even if someone does give you a guideline describing what they want you to change about yourself, heeding their advice to the letter likely won’t leave them appeased. Most people don’t actually know what they want, let alone know how to communicate their wishes and desires in ways someone else can understand.

5. People will respect you more.

When your co-workers and family members and friends and enemies see you being true to yourself, they’ll be impressed with your ability to stick to your guns. By not acting different because certain people want you to, you demonstrate a rare integrity that others can’t help but take notice of.

6. People will LIKE you more.

As mentioned above, sincerity is much better received than when you’re not being true to yourself. Even if they can’t put a finger on why, many people will enjoy your company more if you’re being the real you, not a monkey dancing around for their amusement.

7. You’ll be happier.

Obviously, being true to yourself is the best choice in regards to your overall self-esteem. There’s little as depressing as pretending to be someone you’re not because you don’t believe people will respond well to the true you. Avoid that crippling pitfall.

8. Life will be easier

By not constantly trying to be different things for different people, life will get a lot simpler very quickly. Imagine not having to “act” nearly as much as you do now, sharing your true self with others whether they like it or not. Sounds nice, doesn’t it? So go do it.

9. You have to look at yourself in the mirror every day.

You don’t wake up each morning and see another person’s reflection gazing back at you. You’re the person you have to spend the most time with, which makes you the head judge of your value. You might be currently judging yourself on what other people think of you, but you won’t be at peace until you value being true to yourself above almost anything else.

10. You’ll further uncover the real you.

By pretending to be things you’re not, you have less time to uncover who you are deep down inside. Life is far too short, and uncovering what makes us unique and special is an extremely long process. Don’t slow that process down further by failing to be true to yourself. Hopefully, you’ve now realized that staying true is far and away the best thing for you. Featured photo credit: Outdoor summer smiling lifestyle portrait of pretty young woman having fun in the city in Europe in evening with camera travel photo of photographer Making pictures in hipster style glasses and hat via shutterstock.com

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