However, becoming happy is not as hard as it may appear. What if being happy were simple and didn’t require dramatic life changes? According to a new infographic, How to Be Happy in Life: 10 Science-Backed Ways, being happy can be that simple.  Among these are simple techniques such as exercise, meditation, and even laughter. Exercise and meditation are known to relieve stress, while laughter releases endorphins. Endorphins are feel-good chemicals that make you happy. Don’t know how to make yourself laugh? Try watching a comedy, or hang out with some funny people! Integrating these beneficial practices into your life will not only make you healthier and more focused, it will sustain your sense of happiness and well-being. The benefits of being happy are vast. Happy people tend to feel more fulfilled with life, have better health, and worry less about things that are out of their control. The difference between trying to be happy and being happy is informed action. Getting the right information will make a difference in the habits you choose for your life.  You can look to science for answers. Scientific studies conducted over the last 50 years have continually proven that happiness can be increased by taking small steps. These steps require engaging in enjoyable activities such as laughter and socializing, or even something as simple as smiling. With happiness being so easy to obtain, it’s incredible to note that 48 percent of Americans report being less than very happy! By empowering ourselves with knowledge, we can change our lives and help others to do the same. Check out the following infographic to learn about the ways you can start being happy now.

Featured photo credit: Life Coach Spotter via

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