I loved my allowance and I always looked forward to making extra (the tooth fairy was very generous). Good grades meant good earnings, so I slaved away over homework. As I grew up, I sometimes forgot how long it took to earn a certain amount, and it would lead to me spending my money recklessly. If you want a lesson in economics, spend poorly; you’ll quickly figure out how important saving money is. Now I work hard and take on all kinds of side-jobs so that I don’t have to stress about cash. I budget myself strictly and I have healthy savings accounts. Sure, some people are born into money, but for those of us who have to work for it, there’s added satisfaction when you balance your checkbook and see all those numbers.

You really can become a millionaire. It just takes time.

No matter how measly your salary or hourly pay may be, there are ways to invest and earn that can quickly up your status from peasant to prince. The trick is knowing how to do it and what steps to avoid. Sure, you could go out and waste money on books claiming to make you rich quickly, but why? I’m here to provide a list of (free) solutions.

If you have these 10 qualities, congratulations! You’ll probably be rich in the future.

You have a clear life purpose.

This doesn’t mean you wake up every day with the intention of making tons of money. It means you know what you want and you know how to work hard. For me, I knew I needed to spend more wisely, so I confided in a friend who had done really well, financially. With her help, I created a spreadsheet that I could use to track my spending. I swear by this budget and update it daily. When I know I want to set aside X amount into my savings account every month, it’s a clear goal I can work toward and visualize with my budget.[1]

You don’t look for a quick fix; you’re patient.

I’ve seen so many programs claiming to make you millions of dollars overnight. The headlines are usually something like, “Try this crazy tip and double your profit instantly!” While that may sound awesome, it also seems impossible. And for good reason. It takes time to create wealth. In fact, in one study, 52% of participants didn’t attain wealth until age 56. Sure, it may seem easier to spend $100 on that purse you’ve been eyeing than to reserve $100 in savings. But is that quick dopamine hit really better than the long-term happiness a secure savings account will bring you?

You take calculated risks.

This doesn’t mean you should buy a lottery ticket whenever the jackpot is over a million dollars. Instead, it means you should know how to invest your money and pursue opportunities. If you don’t feel ready to work with a financial advisor or investor just yet, ease into it. There are plenty of free apps out there that help you learn to invest like a pro. Start there!

You’re highly resilient and never give up when there are setbacks.

When it comes to investing in yourself and your future, sometimes it can feel overwhelming and borderline impossible. When you have that voice in your head telling you to be fearful and give up, overcome it! Remember, this is a long-term commitment to your own financial success. It may be scary, but it’s all about your future.

You are open-minded and can see things from different perspectives.

No one ever made money by keeping their head down and avoiding change. When you are enthusiastic about new ideas and opinions, you begin to grow. Only with this kind of growth does success occur.

You are frugal, but still giving.

When you’re trying to save and be thrifty, it can feel challenging to give to others, even charity! But there’s a difference between being cheap and being smart with your spending. Give time and money when it comes to things you’re passionate about. Spreading wealth is a great way to have it returned to you by the universe.

You finish what you start and seldom make excuses.

You don’t make money or become successful by coming up with reasons to stop working hard. Take accountability for yourself and your actual accounts. You are the only one controlling your future. Be smart about it and don’t quit.

You work hard instead of only looking for shortcuts.

If you’re always looking for sly ways to get out of something and still make money, then here’s a spoiler alert for you: you will fail. You have to be willing to work hard and put in the effort. And why wouldn’t you? Don’t you want to earn money?

You invest in valuable things.

I’m not just talking about stocks and bonds here. When you’re trying to become a successful and wealthy individual, you have to invest in the things you hold dear. This also includes mistakes (which I’ll explain in the next point).

You are not afraid of making mistakes.

Mistakes are valuable! They teach you. No one likes to make a mistake, as it so often makes us feel like we failed somehow. But have you ever made a mistake and not learned something from it? Mistakes, no matter how frustrating, are a great teaching tool if we are wise enough to take advantage of them. When it comes to our financial success, mistakes can hit hard, but I can guarantee you won’t make the same one twice.

You don’t have to be a genius to be rich.

At the end of the day, it’s about common sense. Spend and invest wisely and don’t get hung up on trends or bad advice. Know yourself and your goals and aim to achieve everything you want and more. Instead of hoping to become a multimillionaire, set attainable goals. Maybe you want to save $1,000 in your savings account by your birthday. Perhaps you want to open a 401k for the first time. Whatever it is, set that intention and follow through. Maybe your friends need to help keep you accountable. No matter what it is, figure out what gets you to your goal and don’t quit. And hey, don’t forget about us little people when you’re rolling around on that mattress of cash.