Here are ten signs to tell you if you have begun thinking too much about what others think.

1. You don’t know how to say “No”

People ask you for favors or jump into your life to forcefully be a part of it. You really need to know how to say “No” to what will not benefit your well-being because saying “No” is just as important as saying “Yes”. Perhaps you do not want to disappoint other. In reality, if you want to become a happier person you shouldn’t focus on the external, but rather on the internal.

2. You don’t set boundaries

This means setting boundaries for yourself and for others. Your life is not a park where everyone comes to play. You should be able to set boundaries if you really do not want to be caring about the opinions of others so much.

3. You are concerned about what others have to say

You want to know what others are thinking or saying about you. You scroll through magazines and spend so much time on social media it practically becomes a sickness. You don’t have that power to ignore gossip or comments. Instead, you give others the power to rule your thoughts.

4. You always play the victim

You want the world to care or sympathize with you. If something is wrong, you blow a trumpet about it because you feel that the world should listen and share in your problems.

5. You are a people-pleaser

You feel validated by trying to please everyone, when in the truest sense you can’t please everyone. You can only please yourself. As much as it satisfies you to do this, you are only giving others a key to start determining your actions and deeds.

6. You seek attention

You want to be seen and want others to be attracted to you. You do not know that it is not possible for everyone to like you. Yet you keep on taking actions and making decisions that will draw everyone to you.

7. You are indecisive

You do not know how to make decisions. You hesitate and you’re slow to taking actions. Most times, you would rather wait and listen to what everybody has to say before making decisions.

8. You don’t follow your guts

There is an intuition within us all that tells us “Yes” or “No”. When we care so much about what others have to say, we will ignore what our guts tell us to do most of the time.

9. You always play it safe

You don’t want anyone to get hurt because of your deeds or words. You also don’t want to stir negative emotions and make people feel bad. You try to play it safe and revolve your life in a cocoon. Such safety zones demonstrate that you are averse to taking risks and stepping out of the conventional boundaries.

10. You are boastful

You exaggerate your accomplishments and sometimes you go way overboard to publicize your accomplishments. You like to talk about yourself and want everyone to listen to what you have to say. Whether you are the loudest person in the room or try to seem the smartest, you are only doing this to make others aware of you. Caring about what others think shows a kind of inferiority. Most times, this can lead to disappointment. We all should be complete and be proud of who we are. Our happiness and our success should not depend on what others think about us. Featured photo credit: via