1. They like to use obscene language

Narcissists believe they are better than every other person thus when triggered can be argumentative and curse frequently. Consumed with their ego they are sure to use strong hate words and sometimes sexually explicit language.

2. They present a false image

Narcissists try to impress others with their external looks. They have a superiority complex and this they could use in intimidating others whether physically, socially, financially, professionally, culturally, academically and religiously. Whatever characteristics a narcissist exude are all exaggerated and can be very “in your face”.

3. They can be charming

Narcissists can be persuasive and charming in a bid to get something from you. Most times they are always after their own gratification when they choose to show intense interest in you. And if such interest is lost, perhaps because they have become bored of the chase or because they have gotten what they want. Don’t be deceived by such engaging and sociable acknowledgements from a narcissist.

4. They are rule breakers

Narcissists are comfortable with breaking the rules and violating social norms. They could twist arms, steal office supplies, disobey traffic laws and break multiple appointments to please their egos. One of the most startling things about a narcissist is when they adamantly deny breaking a rule you witnesses them disobey.

5. They like to boss others around

Narcissists enjoy being in the pole position. Leadership positions offer them the opportunity to revel in the splendor of bossing others around and dominating them. Doing this fulfills their need for constant validation and reinforcement of who they are.

6. They like to be in charge of conversations

Through body movements and speaking loudly, they try to take over conversations. Narcissists prefer conversations are centered on them. They wouldn’t mind looking down, showing disinterest or talking down to someone who tries to speak over them. They show no genuine interest in you.

7. They show no remorse for their misconducts

They are not sorry for any disregard of other people’s thoughts or emotions. When they hurt a sore spot, they show no consideration or sensitivity for how negative their actions could be. For example, they could borrow money from someone and will not return it or break an obligation repeatedly. Rather than take responsibility for these they blame the other person involved.

8. They believe the world revolves around them

They think they are either heroes or heroines and the world should always acknowledge them. They exaggerate how important they are as they feel the world was created for them and that they are special. Thus, they expect preferential treatment and that their needs should always be catered for. This is obvious in both personal and professional situations.

9. They are extremely sensitive to criticism

They don’t like to criticized or be reminded of their failures. When criticism is directed at them, negative emotions are stirred as they respond with a heated argument or a cold detachment. They would always prefer that you are inferior to them. They don’t want their ego to be bruised.

10. They are manipulative

They want to make decisions for others to suit their own needs. Their tool to achieve this could be an employee, friend, colleague or even a romantic partner. Such persons could be a channel or tool to fulfilling their own unrealized dreams and to hide their inadequacies or inferiority. A person may not know they are being manipulated by a narcissist until the damage is done. Featured photo credit: http://www.pixabay.com via pixabay.com