1. You dread getting to work on Monday mornings

How much you dread Mondays and how many times you would look at the clock and wish it hits 5 o’clock, determines how comfortable you are with your job. If your excitement is stirred when you have to leave the office and close for the day rather than when you have to resume on a Monday morning, you might be in the wrong company.

2. You feel trapped

A job with the right company should offer you the opportunity to express yourself and know that you belong there. If your company is a right match doors and windows are opened for you to succeed and unleash yourself. But if it isn’t a good match, you feel trapped.

3. You are unclear about what you are there for

Every job comes with a job description, yet with this company you are distorted on how to function or where to function. It is as if you are a needle in a haystack just waiting for your paycheck to come. There is no clarity as to why you are there and where you are headed.

4. You don’t feel appreciated

With your work there is no excitement. You don’t feel as if you are valued by the company. Even when you try to do more, it is as if it is not good enough. A job promotion with the company or a raise is not satisfactory but leaves you empty and bewildered.

5. You make a big deal about everything

Everything stirs question within you. You are constantly finding a reason to explain why your job is wrong and it doesn’t fit. And yes, a little thing like the high-pitched tone of the office admin is becoming a serious disturbance in your ability to function at your job and enjoy it properly. So instead of becoming positive about your prospects with the company you become negative about it.

6. You don’t brag about your job title

When people ask you what you do, you have little or no desire to tell them about it. Typically in life we like to brag about our accomplishments at things we enjoy doing. Sometimes we even tend to exaggerate the truth. But with you, the opposite is the case as you prefer to downplay the accomplishments on your resume.

7. You daydream a lot about working somewhere else

You are bored with your job and you want to be somewhere else. Perhaps you are an IT specialist and your desire is to be a publicist, your face lights up only when discussions related to companies in such field are made.

8. You no longer believe in the company’s objectives

Somewhere along the line you lost interest in the direction of the company and where it is headed. Most of the details about expansion, meeting deadlines and all of this don’t interest you. The goals of the company don’t align with your goals and you really want to make a job shift.

9. You are feeling like a different person at work

Every day you are at work, you feel like you are not “you” and that you are somebody else. Somehow you are not comfortable with your job and you feel like you have lost your identity. You would really desire to be engaged and find your “heartbeat” once again.

10. You have stopped learning

With every job comes some learning. But with your company this has stagnated. Learning new skills or pursuing new interests with the company is something that shouldn’t be taken lightly in a digital age. Somehow you have to rediscover yourself and start to find a direction in a more exciting job with a different company. Featured photo credit: http://www.pixabay.com via pixabay.com