1. They show respect for your views

They are not opposed to what you believe in. Whether your religious, political, or spiritual views, they would respect your perspective on a subject. They are not in a relationship to antagonize what you have to say or do, rather to find how to adapt and complement who you are.

2. They look into your eyes in a special way

When they are willing to stare into your eyes as if they were peering into your soul it means that you have a special place in their heart. It is not about what you have to say but it is something so special that you have in you that attract them to you.

3. They want to know what interests you

They want to dig deep into your dreams, goals and aspirations. They want to see you beyond the surface and know what defines you. When certain questions about what your wants and desires are, you should know that the other person is attracted to your true self.

4. They include you in their decision

They have goals and desires but somehow you have a place in their future objectives. They want you there and would not take an important action without having your say in it.

5. They trust you

They can give you that benefit of doubt. They are not concerned about snooping though your cell phone or wondering where you are all the time. They know that you will make the right decision and will use good judgment in this regard. They are willing to trust your abilities and are not anxious of whether you are going to turn your back on them or not.

6. They are willing to offer you the support you need to succeed.

It is not about them, but about you and how you can turn your ideas to reality. They are your strength when you are weak and doubtful. They would always believe in you and offer you the support you need to grow as an individual.

7. They want to spend time with you

They are concerned about the relationship with you and they are not reluctant or hesitant to invest time and energy in the relationship. Yes, there may be distractions in form of work, family, and some other obligations but that does not mean they will not want to use the time they have available to spend some time with you.

8. They express their affection for you

It really is not about having frequent sex. Persons who love for who you are will want to be emotionally intimate with you. They would show you some affection in forms of cuddling or being cuddled or resting a hand on your shoulder. They want to have that physical connection with you.

9. They are proud of you

This doesn’t mean they brag about you like you are some item. No. Rather they value you and know how lucky they are to have you in their world. They know that you are wonderful and want to let the whole world aware of what is so special to them. They proudly introduce you to their friends, family and colleagues.

10. They would go the extra mile for you

People rarely go the extra mile for another person. However if they start understanding that going the extra mile will make you happy and they do this often without hesitation, you should know that the person loves you for your true self. Such sign shows that you have a special place in their heart. Featured photo credit: http://www.pixabay.com via pixabay.com