1. You are alive.

Every day, another 146,357 exit stage left and don’t come back onstage to perform again in this show called “Life.” I realize this might be a grim way to start this list, but a healthy dose of truth just might help you snap out of that sluggish existence. Be excited that you are still alive and kicking. Your clock is ticking. Time is a limited resource, so get out there and make things happen.

2. You are blessed.

Do you have a roof over your head, food to eat, and money to afford life’s basic necessities? Are you able to express yourself freely? Can you move your body without pain? Could you name at least a few people who care about you very much?

3. You are loved.

Take a moment to think about all of the people in your life. Not merely the ones you see on a regular basis, but all the people who have added meaning to your life throughout your entire existence. It’s hard to imagine all of the people who you have touched in some way, isn’t it? Be excited about the monumental impact you have already made in the world (and you’ve only just started!). 

4. You are unstoppable.

People who say, “I can’t,” have it all wrong. What they really mean is: “I won’t.” Sure, you might not be able to achieve an outrageously bold goal the first time (or the first hundred times) you try it, but who says that means it can’t be done? It is inevitable that we will mess up sometimes. Failure happens. Be excited that failure does happen because that just means you get the opportunity to become a better version of yourself and try again (but better this time).

5. You can go anywhere.

You could eat at a brand new restaurant that features a cuisine that your palate has never had the pleasure of tasting. You could go to a park you have never visited and enjoy a never-before-seen (to your eyes) view of nature. You could take a day off, fill up a tank of gas, and start driving to a city an hour or two away that you have never visited for a random day-cation. So many places to go!

6. You can do anything.

You could do something totally insane like get drunk and perform your favorite ’80s song at karaoke. You could call up a friend you’ve lost touch with and ask them out for lunch. You could surprise your partner with an unplanned romantic trip to the park with just the two of you, a warm blanket, a bottle of wine, the crisp fall air, and stars overhead. So many things to do!

7. You have important work to do.

If you could accomplish one thing (only one thing!) before you died, what would that be? Even more importantly: why is this important to you? Figure that out and go make it happen. Develop a sense of urgency. Do the work. If not you, who will?

8. You have limitless resources.

The internet can teach you how to do almost anything. You could learn how to speak German, tie a knot, do a head-stand, bake cookies, or whatever your heart desires. Anything you want to learn is an internet search away, so no excuses.

9. You will do great things.

Stop looking at every day as an isolated event and see life for what it is: an inter-connected journey that tells a story about who we are. Every day, no matter how good or bad, is but a dying star in the glorious Universe that is your life. Keep your eye on the Big Picture to stay encouraged.

10. You will never walk alone.

Treat other people with respect and you will be respected. Love other people without paying much thought to your differences. Seek out new people to share your life with because everything is more fun with friends. Every day is another opportunity to make a positive impact in someone’s day. You could play a starring role in a positive memory that they hold onto for the rest of their life.

How do you get excited about your day? Tell us in the comments!