1. Identify Clear Goals

Everyone has a different definition of success. It’s important to identify your own personal definition of success in life. Whether your goal is to enrich the lives of others or you want to open a successful business, establish a clear goal of what you’d like to accomplish in order to feel successful.

2. Gain Advice from Successful People

People who have reached their goals can often offer helpful words of wisdom. Look for people that you admire for their success and learn about them. Read books by successful people, network with successful people, and follow them on social media. Learn as much as you can about how they gained enough confidence to reach their goals.

3. Experiment with New Things

The path to success usually isn’t a straight line. Expect to face obstacles and accept that you may fail several times along the way. The way you recover from failures will speak to your character and your ability to reach your goals. When one thing isn’t working, be willing to try something new until you succeed.

4. Balance Learning with Doing

You can never learn enough about things that you’re passionate about. However, you need to balance learning with action. Find ways to balance your time between learning more and applying what you’ve learned.

5. Keep a List of Your Accomplishments

Keep a list of the progress you’ve made and the accomplishments you’ve achieved. On days where you aren’t feeling very confident, reviewing your list can help give you the boost you need to keep going.

6. Identify a Plan for Each Day

Identify one small thing you can do each day to help you work toward your goal. This can help you keep your goal in mind and can remind you why your hard work is important. Creating a plan for each day helps ensure you are spending your time and energy wisely.

7. Review Your Progress Regularly

Sometimes it is hard to identify whether or not you’re on the right track toward reaching your goals. Review your progress at regular interviews so you can ensure that you are staying on the path toward success. If you’re feeling like you’re off track, go back and review steps you can take to get back on track as soon as possible.

8. Identify Your Overly Negative Thoughts

If you’re plagued by overly negative thoughts, it can certainly sabotage your efforts. Thinking things such as “I’ll never be good enough,” or “I can’t do this anymore,” will only hold you back. Try to recognize your overly negative thoughts before they spiral out of control. Replace them with more productive thoughts to help you stay on track toward reaching your goals.

9. Problem Solve Ways to Overcome Barriers

Be prepared to get creative when problems arise along the way. The more problems you solve, the more confident you’ll become in your ability to reach your goals. View obstacles as challenges that you can overcome and keep an open mind about how you can work through problems that you encounter along your journey to success.

10. Be Willing to Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

People often go to great lengths to avoid feeling anxious. However, anxiety won’t kill you. Instead, when you allow yourself to step outside of your comfort zone and face your anxiety head on, you’re likely to grow as a person. Be willing to step outside your comfort zone to help you get closer to your goals. You’ll feel much more successful when you’ve overcome challenges to reach your goals.