Say “thank you.”

Take a walk.

Excessive sitting can be lethal. Exercise is a proven way to make you healthier and happier. Even if you can only spare 5 or 10 minutes, those minutes will add up.

Plan better.

Here’s another “secret” for how to be blissful: work smarter, not harder. This means planning out your days and prioritizing the tasks that increase your productivity and happiness. Plan each day the night before by listing out things you want to accomplish on your to-do list. You’ll find that when you get through your list and start creating better habits, you’ll feel a wonderful sense of accomplishment.

Observe and validate your true feelings.

We’re a generation that does too much thinking and not enough feeling. Blissful people have the courage to express their emotions. They laugh. They cry. And they feel better because of it.

Calm restless thoughts.

Is your brain constantly swirling with thought after thought? Join the club. The key is to let go of negative thoughts. Spend some time unwinding before you go to bed each night by relaxing your mind. Reading an uplifting book or listening to some light music helps. Embrace art as a form of therapy.

Connect with people.

Want to know why you have two ears and one mouth? So you can listen twice as much as you speak. As much as we all want our voices to be heard, connecting means listening. Every day, ask one person how they’re feeling–and really listen to what they’re saying. They’ll feel better after talking to you, and so will you.

Visualize the process of getting what you want.

Visualization is a powerful and proven technique for accomplishing great things in your life. Learning how to be blissful starts with visualizing what “bliss” looks like for you.

Embrace change.

According to a Harvard Business Review article, change starts with building self-awareness, which is best achieved by asking for honest and critical feedback from others. Then, you can create goals based on this feedback and work on changing your behaviors that aren’t helping you create a blissful existence.

Believe in you.

Ultimately, your ability to create bliss and happiness in your life will be determined by your belief in yourself. Your brain turns thoughts into reality. So if you focus on negative baggage and the bad things that have happened in your life, this is what will continue to manifest in your daily existence. Instead, change your mindset. Believe that you’re here to do great things–to change the world. And if you do, you’ll discover how to be blissful for the rest of your life.