Additionally grooms are susceptible to internalize perfect marriage ceremony is only in abstract. With such irrelevance, they anticipate chaos and stresses in the final day. Or, at least they think their marriage will pale into insignificance due to the reason, I quote, as silly as less creamier wedding cake or the blubbering of the otherwise endearing flower girl. Oh boy, how wrong are they. Today, I present to you the 10 things the grooms should do to have stress free marriage.

1. Talk and plan about it.

Sit with your bride-to-be and talk about how you wanted your marriage to be. There may be issues like budgets, venues, attendees among other. Holding discussion sessions about them will converge and harmonize your ideas with hers which resultantly will make the final event with understood flow. This will also be a great sign for being betrothed to a matched pair.

2. Intensify the connection with her, her family, friends, and relatives.

Under stressing situation of planning the ceremony, it is common to lose touch with the person you are madly in love with: the bride. Therefore a quality time must be spent with her as it symbolizes you love spending time with her under any situation. Be it a dinner date or a movie time. Choice of movies or location of diner does have some major impacts to the future of the marriage. Intermingling with bride’s family, friends, and relatives strengthen the bonding as there may be divorced parents or estranged siblings who are at odds to the ceremony.

3. Delegation unloads lots of worries.

Don’t bite off more than you can chew. Delegate some responsibilities to some trustworthy friends and relatives. They will run errands for you and you will be relieved of tiny, nagging problems. Also hiring the professional planners are sure shot way to have the job done. They will come in handy especially on the final day.

4. Economize the time allocation for the final day.

It is tempting to squander the time of the crucial day in arranging a pre-wedding brunch or an extravagant make up. This activity will elevate your social and physical appearance. But believe me you will have to sacrifice a greater chunk of the precious time in the multitasking attempts. Therefore, sticking to the absolute necessities is advisable and correct.

5. Create an ambience.

No matter how evolved and matured you may think of yourself, there are chances that you might have turned blind eyes to obvious pitfalls. Your elderly and parents may see what you ignored. Therefore, enjoy their company and ask their responses and if relevant act accordingly. Also advice the bride to be surrounded by right number of friends and relatives as too many of her friends may cause mass hysteria.

6. Journaling vents the emotive energy.

Being bereft of important family member or losing best friend may be utterly felt during the wedding. At times, the eruption of such ‘missing-them’ feelings may be embarrassing. Therefore, for such soft-hearted grooms, writing journal will productively vent out the emotive energy that they are bottling up. Journaling also identifies issues bothering you chiefly and help address them individually.

7. Choose open space as the venue.

Get married in an almost open space like park or gardens. Cluttered location creates trouble not only to the attendees and oncoming guest but it may also represent seclusion or impenetrability in psychological sense.

8. Small is important.

A pair of new shoes or a negligible tuft of neglected facial hair is the real dread. A new shoes ache like seven hells while hairs lower your self-confidence. Therefore stretching those fancy shoes before wearing them and having a set of hair clippers deny such moments.

9. Take good care of yourself.

Sleeping and eating properly will make you healthy. Every faction of energy counts, for you need to read out the vows manly and you need to dance with her energetically. Therefore skimpy eating should be discouraged at all cost.

10. Meditate to bust the stress.

Still if you cannot stay in composure, it is medically advisable to attend yoga classes. The impact is further amplified with mutual participation. Additionally, following your hobbies also ensure growth of collectedness. Featured photo credit: Pixabay via