1. They take steps to reach their goals.

Financially happy people realize you don’t have to accomplish everything all at once. So you can’t buy a car with cash–why not start saving up for a used one? Break every financial goal you have into steps, and you’ll see how easy it actually is to achieve.

2. They don’t obsess over their bank balances.

Money makes you crazy because you can’t stop thinking about it. It’s understandable, when living paycheck to paycheck, to worry about how much money you have to live on. But obsessing won’t change the number on that bank statement. Financially happy people, whether they have money or not, don’t obsess over their bank balances. They push it to the back of their minds and focus on other things, like making said money, to keep from stressing themselves out over something they can’t easily change.

3. They spend within a budget.

Financially happy people know how much they make each month, and they know how much they have to spend. They allot enough money to pay their necessary bills, and make sure to not overspending whatever is leftover.

4. They pay off credit balances to maintain good credit.

Financially happy people don’t have debt hanging over their heads. They pay down credit card bills every month to keep their credit scores up. Good credit scores that, by the way, will help them achieve more of those financial goals mentioned in step one.

5. They plan for financial misfortune.

No one wants it to happen, no one expects it to happen, but misfortunes will come your way. It might be a car accident, it might be a tree damaging your roof, or it might be getting laid off from your job. It’s going to be scary and will put you in a bad place, financially. But financially happy people worry about these troubles a little less. They’ve planned ahead for such misfortunes, and have at least six months of money in savings to live off of, in case they’re unable to work or need to make an unexpected major purchase.

6. They don’t buy impulsively.

Shopping sprees might make you feel better when you’re down, but they’re not necessary. Financially happy people don’t buy impulsively. They don’t go out and buy three new pairs of shoes–they buy one, and only when they need them. This doesn’t mean they’re frugal or cheap, they just don’t make impulse purchases, which is usually when you pay more for something that’s worth less, just because you want it right then.

7. They find satisfaction with what they have.

Another reason financially happy people don’t buy impulsively is because they’re happy with what they have. They don’t want to own the latest and greatest in technology, and they don’t need a closet overflowing with clothes. They realize those things aren’t as important as financial stability, so they curb the desire to spend money on such things.

8. They’re smart borrowers.

Financially stable people research all options before taking out a loan. This way, they’re not stuck paying an insanely high interest rate for the next twenty years. They make sure they understand all terms and shop around to get the loan that fits exactly what they need, and they don’t take on a payment that’s more than they can afford.

9. They don’t avoid retirement planning.

When you’re in your twenties, retirement planning sounds crazy. It’s so far in the future that you can’t imagine needing it. Or maybe you think that it’s better to have access to that money now, instead of putting it away for forty years down the line. Financially happy people see it differently. They realize that this money is an investment, and it’s going to pay off when they need it most.

10. They don’t give up.

Don’t let money get you down. Anything is possible if you work for it. Financially happy people don’t see their bank balance and give up all their saving, goal-making, and retirement planning. They don’t go out and blow whatever money they have left, or start taking out loans from fly-by-night companies. They don’t get depressed, and they don’t give up. It’s always possible to turn over a new leaf and start saving your money and spending it smartly.

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