1. They don’t accept negativity

If you keep a positive outlook in life, it will affect your whole life in a way that would impossible to measure. As a popular saying goes “act like you’re already rich” to “see the good side of everything.” So, be ambitious not disappointed. Be proactive, not lethargic. A cheerful, positive attitude rubs off on your supervisors and colleagues and helps grease the wheel to upward movement.

2. They don’t work “harder.”

There are two techniques to get more work on your job. You can either come in to work early or stay late at work. Or, you can work efficiently in the same amount of time. Efficiency at work amounts for a lot, mainly when your company tracks your time per task through time tracking sheet like my company does or a similar service. Joining both methods — working smarter and longer — can be a wonderful display of the ability and desire it takes to move up.

3. They don’t lack confidence.

The biggest thing that holds many people back is lack of confidence to ask for things they want from their bosses. Whether they want raises, or a promotion, or a transfer to another department. They can never get any of them if they don’t know the way to how to ask. You need to learn how to ask for what you want. Learn to identify when a refusal is something you can work past, and when it’s an indication you should find another company.

4. They don’t lack initiative.

Be proactive and take the initiative in your life and at work. Your promotions won’t fall in your lap if you’re not improving your situation and performance. Take some serious steps to make your life and job more effective and efficient. Don’t step on others to get ahead; work with others to raise up everyone.

5. They don’t avoid risk.

Businesses need to implement risk management to hold managers accountable for revenue growth and productivity. Highly effective people treat themselves no differently. They calculate risks and choose the best possible return option for the least possible risk. At work, only you have the viewpoint to analyze your position for the risks and rewards.

6. They don’t always work alone.

Acting without a focused and defined goal is much like driving without a destination in mind. No one can reach anywhere without knowing where they’re heading. Take some time to define your dreams and the necessary steps to reach them. Analyze and decide the way you need to approach your life for positive results. At work, pool the strengths of other people through teamwork, to achieve the goals no one person could have done alone.

7. They don’t stress out.

If you are working harder to push yourself towards your dreams, it could become a dangerous process. You could burn yourself out. Always take some time for yourself for your family. Spend time in a hobby that brings you peace of mind. Learn to distinguish the signs of stress and burnout and learn how to battle them.

8. They don’t avoid making decisions.

Successful and effective people are expert decision makers in every field of life. They help empower their associates and colleagues so they can reach a planned conclusion or they do the task themselves.  They emphasize on “making things happen” at all times and work on activities that sustain progress.  Effective people master the art of politicking and thus they don’t waste their time on issues that disturb their momentum.

9. They don’t avoid opportunities.

Sometimes we don’t find the right opportunity, satisfaction or flexibility we desire in our current job. Effective people recognize the best opportunity and take steps to change their careers intelligently. Opportunities are always available for motivated and effective people.

10. They don’t say yes all of the time.

Many of us want to accept everything and help everyone around us. Effective and successful people set boundaries for themselves in order to preserve their energy, time and space. Learn to say “No.” Effective people recognize that they’re their own best asset and that they have to take care of themselves first before helping someone else. So, be prepared for new opportunities, take necessary steps to reach goals and keep working towards achieving them every day. When you develop these habits for success, you’ll achieve your goals. Featured photo credit: timedotcom via timedotcom.files.wordpress.com