Some people are happier than others. Some people smile all day, live with passion and share it with others. They take each breath as a blessing and don’t look back. It doesn’t mean they don’t have problems or obstacles, but they change their attitude and choose to be happy because they know – joy creates more joy, success creates more success in future.

1. They don’t try to impress other people.

They know who they are and what they want to be. They don’t wait for other peoples’ approval. They don’t pretend, but they choose to be honest.

2. They do what they want and believe in.

They know what they want to do and they do it. Not because they think they have to do it, but they simply want to do it. They believe in it. Without any doubts or questions. They start each day with positive energy and finish their day with lot of experience.

3. They love their friends but don’t rely on them.

They appreciate each person they have in their lives. They have a lot of inspirational time together, but they don’t wait or ask friends to do something for them. They take responsibility and to it themselves. They can accept help or support but don’t demand it. They take responsibility and live life by their own.

4. They take the best in the moment and create their future.

They live in the moment. With no regrets about past or worries about future. They take each mistake as a lesson and grow within. They create their future, they dream big and take real action to achieve the goals.

5. They don’t want to change others.

They accept other people as they are, they don’t spend time or energy to change other people but take each person as a mirror of their own inner world.

6. They speak about positive things and events.

They can always choose how to spend energy and time. What to remember and how to fill the given day. They choose to see the positive things and speak about them. If there is nothing to say, they smile and be thankful.

7. They discover something new each day.

No matter what they have achieved, they know that there are no borders or limits in Universe, in themselves and their lives. They stop their daily life and duties to notice something new, to reveal the beauty within and share their light. They travel, they try new food or meet people. They collect beautiful moments and uplift their Soul.

8. They enjoy nature and are creative.

They know harmony is something we all are looking for. They spend time in nature to renew inner balance and get some inspiration. They are creators and discover their potential and use it. They listen to birds’ songs, they feel the touch of wind and sun. They let nature nourish their souls and reborn in freedom and harmony.

9. They take risks and aren’t afraid to be different.

They are not afraid from failures. They can laugh about themselves and be cheerful and light in every situation. There is no time to waist or opportunities to miss, just take it, live it and learn from it. They choose to be themselves even if somebody can’t understand them. They are brave enough to be unique and stop hiding and wear masks.

10. They are thankful for being alive.

They take time to say Thank you and feel gratitude. They appreciate the gift given them. To live is to open the gift of your true being and let it shine and change this moment, next moment and whole world. They are thankful for what they have or don’t have. They are rich within. Happiness is a choice, it is an attitude to daily things and situations. Your life is how you react on it. You create your own reality. May it be happy, light and full with love to share with. Featured photo credit: Sunset Poppy/BK via