1. Why do I have to do this?

This classic shows that the individual is not committing 100% to their task. We can’t always get assigned our ideal task; sometimes you just have to suck it up and take whatever task needs to be completed. Don’t waste time whining about it, if you just get going you can always find the virtue in whatever the task may be. Here is an alternative, “I’m not sure this task is the first one I would pick, but I know the challenge will be good for me.”

2. There is no way this can be done!

If you are working on a project and a difficult portion comes up, this sort of impossibility mindset is counterproductive. Sure it might take some work, but there are virtually no problems without any kind of solution. Successful people don’t need to waste time with this negative comment. The more positive the mindset, the easier reaching goals becomes. Try this instead, “These seems like quite a challenge to me. I am excited to see what solutions we can produce.”

3. I don’t want any feedback

Feedback is key to our growth. We need to have input from others in order to identify our strengths and weaknesses. Successful people thrive on giving and receiving feedback. Saying no to such an opportunity is foolish to the eyes of a successful individual. Instead of turning down feedback try seeing it as an opportunity, “I’d be glad to hear what areas you think I can improve in.”

4. I have no idea what I did with my time today

Successful people know that time is an incredibly valuable asset. If a whole day slips away and you don’t even know what happened, you are clearly not prioritizing time. That’s just a waste. Get it together and find some tools to help here. Try phrasing your predicament in a more opportunistic way, “I felt like my time was not spent productively today. I am going to begin monitoring my time more carefully to evaluate the situation.”

5. I just did it because it was easy

Sometimes taking the path of least resistance is the best option; however, shortcuts can lead to inferior quality work. Doing the easy thing may be the best choice, but there should be some additional reasons behind your choice to take the easiest option. If you can give one or two reasons for taking the shortcut, you may be on the path to success. If the only reason you have is it was easiest, you may need to rethink things.

6. Everything has to be perfect

Striving for perfection might be noble, but it can definitely inhibit progress. It’s unrealistic to expect people to execute everything to the highest level of perfection. Successful people prefer to prioritize trying your best rather than perfect performance every time. Go for the more positive, “It may not be perfect, but if it’s the best I can produce, it will be great.”

7. I tried it before and it didn’t work

Dwelling on previous mistakes doesn’t help. Its good to evaluate the past and learn what you can, but getting stuck on it simply doesn’t help. Instead try, “That last mistake taught me something and I am going to make sure I use it to better inform my future choices.”

8. This is going to take way too long. We should give up

Negativity is draining. Successful people don’t have time to be around such energy. While a particular method may be too time consuming to be practical, constructive discussion is a lot better than overt negativity. Try this instead, “I think this solution might take more time to develop. Perhaps we can find a more time efficient solution.”

9. Yes, Yes, Yes. I will do all the things

Successful people realize they have a finite amount of time to accomplish their goals in any given day. No one can possibly do everything all at once. While saying yes to everything might seem agreeable, it is simply unrealistic. Spreading yourself too thin doesn’t help anyone. Try diplomatically turning down tasks which are too much given your time and priorities, “I would like to help with that, but I have several other high priorities projects right now. Can we find another solution?”

10. I don’t want to work with Suzy because she was sloppy last time

Successful people don’t have time for that kind of nonsense. People sometimes make mistakes, but the past is the past. Instead try spending some time prior to starting the project to identify potential problem areas for everyone, “For this project paying careful attention to detail is key for everyone.” This gives everyone a fair shot at doing their best and keeping problem areas in mind. Featured photo credit: StartupStockPhotos via pixabay.com