It may be tempting to put off starting until tomorrow, but that could result in you never starting. Take control of your life and change today! Check out these 10 little things that you can do today instead of tomorrow to make real changes in your life.

1. List your goals for the next five years

Sit down with some paper and write down everything that you want to achieve in the next year. Then get a second piece of paper and write down your long-term goals for the next five years. You are much more likely to accomplish your goals if you write them down and make them real. This also means you can track your progress.

2. Swap an old habit for a new and better habit

Most people have a few bad habits that they would like to ditch. Instead of just giving up your bad habit, it can be useful to introduce a new and better habit that you do every day. For instance, you may give up drinking coffee and instead aim to drink more water. Your progress with your new habit may help you totally avoid the old habit.

3. Start to exercise

There are many different benefits of exercising. Physical activity not only improves your body confidence and overall mood, it also lowers your chances of heart disease and relieves stress. If you think the idea of starting an exercise routine is intimidating, start off by doing 10 minutes of exercise in your home every day.

4. Start going to sleep earlier

It can be very tempting to stay up super late on your nights off; however, there are lots of benefits to a regular sleeping pattern. One bonus is you will fall asleep quicker and your quality of sleep with be better.

5. Start to single-task

Although many people rave about the benefits of multitasking, science says that people actually get less done when they multitask. Instead, start to focus on one task at a time, and stay with the task until it is complete.

6. Start a new friendship

As we get older, we often lose many of our close friends. Most people wish that they had more friends in their life, so use today as an opportunity to make a new friend. Simply start by smiling at strangers and starting conversations with your co-workers and people on your commute.

7. Start a new hobby

Hobbies are a great way to find a passion and have fun. From keeping a journal, to gardening, to starting a dance class, there are lots of different hobbies that you could consider.

8. Start a daily routine

Having a daily routine can transform your life for the better. Set a routine for your work days, and a different routine for your time off. Having a routine means you are more likely to have a productive day, and it will make sure you keep the habit for years to come.

9. Start to stand up for yourself

Being a pushover is tough; you can feel taken advantage of, pushed around, and used. Sticking up for yourself will give you a new and happier lease of life. Start by saying “no” to other people without feeling guilty or mean.

10. Start a journal

There are lots of benefits to starting a journal. You can express your inner feelings and secrets, and later you will have a personalized document covering your life that you can read whenever you want. You can even show it to your children.