1. A company is a community.

Too often, bosses act like companies are machines.  They treat workers like just the tools that get the job done.  You know you have an awesome boss when he or she isn’t focused on machines and tools, but rather, building a community.  Building a community is also better for the companies bottom line, because a community atmosphere promotes collaboration—which is where most amazing ideas come from.

2. Management is not control.

An awesome boss won’t think of their title as a “control device,” but as a leadership mechanism.  A good boss will seek to inspire new thoughts and create new connections instead of just controlling everyone under their thumb.

3. Employees are peers.

When you’re treated as a peer, not as a child, you know you have a great boss.  Being treated fairly will make you want to work harder and faster, and a good boss knows this and is the first to try and cultivate a “peer” environment.

4. Motivation comes from vision.

If a boss can inspire you to dream and turn that dream into reality, then you know you have a great leader.  On the other hand, if a boss tries to motivate by fear, then you know you need to find someone else to work for.

5. Change equals growth.

Ever worked for someone who wanted to do things the same way they are always done?  This is the most frustrating thing ever.  An awesome boss won’t recoil in the face of change, but realize with change comes the potential for growth.  This kind of growth can help employee morale and even the company business.

6. Work should be fun.

No one wants to spend eight hours a day in a boring, stale, or even hellish environment.  If  your boss comes into work dragging their feet and slogging through the day, you should get out of that department.  Awesome bosses believe that work should be fun, and by providing that fun atmosphere more people will want to come to work.

7. Failure is forgiven.

Good bosses know that failure is inevitable.  It will happen to all of us, and it usually happens when something very visible is happening.  In the instance when failure strikes, an awesome boss won’t berate an employee, or make them feel like trash; instead, they will help salvage the moment.  Then, later they will use the experience as a teaching moment to ensure the failure doesn’t happen again.

8. They are the example.

Ever had a boss who thought they could come in late and do less than their employees?  This is the worst.  A good boss realizes that they set the example—from start time, to productivity, to everything in between.

9. Caring about employees.

Learning to treat their employees like human beings is another thing an awesome boss believes.  When one of their employees is having health problems or even a death in the family, a great boss is the first person there asking how they can help.

10. One rotten apple will spoil the bunch.

Finally, a truly awesome boss knows that one bad employee can bring the whole team down.  They don’t just pile extra work on their good employees to make up for the productivity they are losing.  Instead, they are swift to make decisions on how to handle that “rotten apple.”  People will see this boss as decisive and will have confidence in their decision-making skills. Featured photo credit: Photos/Kevin Dooley via flickr.com