To walk with pride and confidence, pay attention to these 10 things highly confident people don’t do.

1. They don’t worry about being wrong

Confident people are not afraid or worried about being wrong. If they are wrong, they are courteous enough to admit and accept it. They always look for the right thing than being right. They find it as a chance to learn and improve. A truly confident person can admit to anyone that they don’t have all the answers. They take ownership of their thoughts and actions.

2. They don’t speak unless they listen

Confident people are familiar with a lot of things in the world. However, they always prefer to listen more than they speak. They are more interested in knowing other people opinions and thoughts to learn more. When it’s their turn, they express their opinion more comfortably and boldly. Because they’re not driven by deep nervousness, they can let others shine – or be wrong – without jumping in.

3. They don’t live in comfort zone

Truly confident people push themselves out of their comfort zone, because they know this is a place where dreams die. Whenever they don’t get immediate positive results, they force themselves to pursue a feeling of discomfort, until they become comfortable at the new higher level.

4. They don’t hesitate to ask for help

People that are highly confident in their abilities are comfortable admitting their weaknesses, because that shows their strength to use all the available resources. By asking for help, they can add to their skillset and learn from other people who are experts in that respective field. When they seek help, people respect them more and pay the person a huge compliment.

5.  They don’t make comparisons

People with a lot of confidence do not compare themselves with any other individual. They know that they are not competing with no other person except the individual they were in the past. They know that every person is unique and following his own dream; making comparisons would be an illogical and unsophisticated application in futility.

6. They don’t have fear of looking silly

Highly confident people are not worried about being proven wrong or showing unfamiliarity. Rather, they would confess, and own, their failure and errors, and they don’t have a fear of looking silly.  Thus, they will be willing to take more risk, able to recover when faced with difficulty and consequently they will grow personally and professionally to face life’s obstacles.

7. They don’t quit because of minor obstacles

Truly confident people may fall several times, but each time they will rise again. They acknowledge failure as a mandatory part of the growth development. They are like a detective, searching for clues that reveal why this approach didn’t work. After modifying their plan, they try again (but better this time). –

8. They don’t point the finger of blame

Highly confident people set themselves accountable for their own actions. They know that they have to be responsible and answerable for their own life actions, as self-accountability is the base of empowerment.

9. They don’t need constant assurance from others

Successful and confident people recognize the value of self-belief to achieve success and they possess enduring self-belief. They feel well-meaning of success, pleasure and prosperity.

10. They don’t require permission to act

Truly confident people take actions without any reluctance. Each day, they remind themselves, “If not me, then who?” As they trust themselves, they feel comfortable being in charge of what they think, do and give. They do ask for assistance and guidance, but at the end they trust their insight as they know it will never let them down.