1. They Don’t Wash Their Hair Every Day

Many women with beautiful hair only wash their hair once or twice a week, and this helps them to maintain their beautiful hair. Frequent washing will strip your hair of its natural oils, and these natural oils can actually help to style your hair. Avoid dry shampoo between washes, too, as it can be very drying.

2. They Don’t Choose A Cheap Haircut

Instead of choosing the cheaper hairdresser, splash out and treat yourself. If you have a great hairstyle, you can leave your hair to air-dry and use less styling products, which will help to keep your hair healthy and shiny. When you get a haircut, consider styling, up-dos, and the weather to make sure you end up with a hairstyle you’re happy with.

3. They Don’t Just Use Hair Conditioner – They Also Use Steam

Hair conditioner will moisturize and protect your hair, but using steam as well will improve the effects of the conditioner. After you have put conditioner on your hair in the shower, put on a shower cap or cling film to keep the heat in. This will help you to lock in extra moisture.

4. They Don’t Ignore Their Scalp

Your hair grows out of your scalp, so it is important to keep your scalp just as healthy as your hair if you want to have beautiful hair. Scalp massages will help to promote hair growth while exfoliating your scalp.

5. They Don’t Blow Dry Their Hair Every Day

Women with long, healthy hair rarely use heat on their hair – ideally they never do.  Hair dryers will dry out your hair, so try to only use them occasionally, or cut down your use to give your hair a break.

6. They Don’t Ignore Their Ends

The ends of your hair are older and dryer than the roots of your hair, so it is important to give the ends some extra attention. Coconut oil has very small particles, so it is a great moisturizer as it can actually penetrate your hair follicles and improve the condition of your hair.

7. They Don’t Neglect Brushing Their Hair

Brushing your hair gets rid of dead hair while stimulating your scalp. Look after your hair by regularly brushing it with a wide-tooth comb, starting from the ends to prevent damage.

8. They Sleep On Hair-Friendly Pillows

The towels and pillows you use actually have a big impact on your hair, so it is important to choose your towels and pillows wisely. Silk pillows are better for your hair as they tend to draw moisture into your hair.

9. They Don’t Style Their Hair All At Once

If you want to create the perfect, beautiful up-do, breaking your hair into sections will make the task easier and it will make the style look more polished. Sectioning off parts of your hair while styling is also useful if you’re straightening or curling your hair.

10. They Don’t Forget To Moisturise Their Hair

There are leave-in conditioners, overnight masks, oils, and moisturizing creams that can help to keep your hair in great condition all of the time. The right food will help moisturize your hair too — try out fish, fresh vegetables, avocados and coconut oil. What do you think of these tips? Share this with your friends with great hair and see what they think! Featured photo credit: Ed Gregory via stokpic.com