From having goals to being flexible, here are 10 things you need to consider if you want to become highly successful.

1. They don’t make excuses for themselves.

Almost everyone has dreams, but many people have excuses for why their dreams are impossible. Highly successful people don’t think this way; instead they focus on overcoming obstacles and being proactive. Ask yourself: What makes my dreams impossible? If I put in all 100% effort, would it still be unachievable?

2. They are flexible if they need to be.

Highly successful people know that if something is not working, they need to switch up their method. Doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting new results is a waste of your own time; instead, see your plan as a rough guide and make adjustments as you go along. Ask yourself: Why is my plan not working currently? How could I improve my plan?

3. They don’t quit.

Anybody can quit when things become difficult, but that is not the way to become highly successful. Even when times are hard, successful people stick at it and keep working. Apple co-founder Steve Jobs once said: “I’m convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance.” Try to think of your end goal, and how every day you get closer to achieving it. Ask yourself: Do you have to quit or do you want to quit? If you quit now, is there a chance you will one day regret it?

4. They are a business.

Successful people often think of themselves as a business. They have the right people around them, they work whenever inspiration hits and they have a strong, strategic focus. Try to make sure your goals are clear and you are working towards your plan in every aspect of your life. Ask yourself: Could I be more productive during the day? What do I want to achieve this week? What do I want to achieve this month?

5. They have clear goals.

A big part of succeeding is setting yourself goals, both big and small, and committing to them. This will help to keep you feeling motivated, and it often helps you to progress faster. To be successful, it is important to be focused on your goals; Steve Jobs said: Ask yourself: What are my goals? How can I achieve them? How long will it take? Can I put all of my effort into this?

6. They understand that sacrifice is important.

Often successful people have to make sacrifices to achieve their goals. For instance, Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, dropped out of Harvard so he could focus on his goal to build a software empire. Make sure you set yourself realistic goals to make sure your sacrifices pay off. Ask yourself: Will this sacrifice help me to achieve my goals? Is it worth the risk? Am I willing to make this sacrifice?

7. They are willing to jump in at the deep end.

Mark Zuckerberg said on success: While it may feel frightening initially, there can be huge rewards. Failure is a method of learning, and means you will have a better shot if you try again with your newfound knowledge. Ask yourself: Do I think it is worth it? Do I want better results? Can I overcome my fears?

8. They live in the moment and don’t hold grudges.

Many successful people understand that the past has already happened and can no longer be changed. Dwelling on the past means you are thinking less about the present and the future—and you could be missing out. Be aware that you are here today despite hard times in the past, and that it does not define who you are or your future. Ask yourself: Am I still affected by this? Can I stop thinking about this? Does it affect my future?

9. They embrace change.

Many people fear change, but often highly successful people understand it is simply an unavoidable part of life. When you have to change your plans and strategies, simply shift paths and keep moving towards your goal. It may feel frustrating and difficult, but when you achieve your goal, it is likely you will feel glad you did.

10. They are thankful.

Being thankful is an important part of success. Founder of eBay Pierre Omidya believes that: Highly successful people are thankful for both the big and the little things in their lives, and are often very aware that others around them assist them on a daily basis. Ask yourself: Who has helped me today? Have I thanked them? Can you think of any other things to tell yourself if you want to be highly successful? Comment your ideas below!