This does not tell the whole story, however. While traditional tourism may be in decline, alternative sectors within the industry are beginning to flourish. Take the emergence of dark tourism, which has seen infamous crime spots, notorious buildings and disaster sites converted into places of interest for international visitors. With this in mind, it is clear that a healthy and diverse level of demand still exists within the global tourism industry. With the majority of trips now being booked online, it is important that consumers are able to locate multi-purpose travel websites that enable them to save time and effort when planning their trip. Consider the following options.

1. Tripeedo

Searching for cheap and suitable flights can be time consuming, especially when you are forced to visit multiple sites and navigate a number of alternative layouts. Tripeedo helps to negate these challenges by providing an easy-to-use price comparison service that is available through a simple search bar. By entering relevant search criteria, you can generate a host of matching flights from numerous international airlines.

2. Traveas

On a similar note, Traveas is a mobile application that enables you to track the real-time status of flights. In addition to this, the app also features software that relays live information concerning any potential delays. This means that you can fully prepare for any changes to your travel itinerary. It is also relatively easy to operate. Users simply send their flight information by SMS and automatically subscribe to relevant and targeted updates.

3. Seat Guru

Whenever you use a budget airline or decide to access a late booking, you run the risk of being stranded in separate and distant seats from your travel partner. This is hardly the ideal start to your holiday, especially if you are hoping to enjoy a romantic and intimate trip abroad. The Seat Guru website helps to negate this risk, as it provides you with real-time access to seat maps and flight information that enables you to secure the best possible package. It also uses graphics and imagery to highlight seating plans, so that you develop a visual understanding of exactly where you will sit with alternative airlines.

4. Don’t Forget Your Toothbrush

Don’t Forget your Toothbrush is an online resource that allows you to create a unique, individual holiday check-list. Enter your precise destination, and access a wealth of location-specific information that helps you pack the right clothes, footwear and accessories. Create the ultimate check-list, which is instantly accessible online and through your mobile device.

5. Drive Pricing

Road trips are tremendous fun when travelling domestically or across a border, and it may even be your preferred method of travel. This can also be expensive, especially when you consider the rising costs of fuel and falling levels of disposable income. The Drive Pricing website helps you prepare for and, ultimately, reduce costs by allowing you to perform a simple calculation according to distance, vehicle type and the fuel performance of your car.

6. Sleeping in Airports

When you think of the tourism industry, your mind is immediately drawn to hotels, bed and breakfasts, and other comfortable accommodations. However, many people travel on a limited budget and can’t afford such accommodations. This is especially true for young back-packers who are looking to experience some of the world’s most exotic and far-flung locations. For these individuals, the Sleeping in Airports website is an invaluable resource, as it offers travelers advice on how to save money by enjoying a peaceful night’s rest in any of the world’s airport terminals.

7. See Your Hotel

One of the biggest concerns associated with international travel is accommodation and, more specifically, its quality and proximity to local amenities. See Your Hotel is an online resource dedicated to educating travelers on their potential accommodation. It uses a combination of user reviews and detailed imagery to help provide insight for what travelers can expect.

8. World Taxi Meter

In addition to the cost of flights and accommodation, you must also factor in the cost of travelling at your chosen destination. The World Taxi Meter website has been designed to help cut the cost of international travel. Essentially, it has the capacity to calculate the cost of taxi fares in cities throughout the world, which enables you to plan ahead and develop a financial budget that suits your itinerary.

9. Travel Guides Free

If you are travelling to the United States but remain unsure of your exact destination, pay a visit to the Travel Guides Free website. It is a comprehensive resource that boasts of freely accessible travel guides for all states and places of interest. Each guide is full of in-depth information and fascinating trivia. Although the site caters exclusively to U.S. destinations, it has the potential to expand.

10. ATM Locator

How many of you recognize this scenario: You are staying in a strange place and having a wonderful time, until you suddenly realize you are out of cash. Alone and in unfamiliar surroundings, you are faced with the difficult challenge of finding an ATM or open bank that allows you to transfer funds. The ATM locator therefore serves as a vital online resource, as it uses GPRS technology and enables travelers to identify any ATM’s within their immediate locality.

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