1. You need to wait for the right opportunity

The real truth is that nothing is ever perfect, opportunity won’t just come knocking – You have to hunt for it. Many successful people started small and made mistakes along the way. Renowned actor and WWE superstar, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson recounts that he started his wrestling career by taking 40 dollars per wrestling match. Today he earns seven to eight figures to feature in a movie.

2. You will be happy when you become successful

Many get it wrong with such expectations. The reality is that success is more of a journey than a destination. Happiness shouldn’t be waited for; you need to appreciate every moment of the climb to the top by building on your relationships and balancing work/personal life.

3. You have to save to save

Many want to be wealthy and they think that attaining such wealth or success requires aggressive saving techniques. What they do not know about the successful is that successful people do not save to save but save to invest. When Elon Musk was undergoing a crisis to get venture capitalists to back his company SpaceX it was the millions he had saved that brought him out of the hole. Elon Musk had not saved to buy a luxurious item, he had saved to buy something that turned him into a billionaire in a couple of years.

4. You can succeed on your own

Success is not achieved independently. Many successful people have mentors and a support group of people who contribute to their success. By staying and hanging out around other people with successful traits you ignite and multiply your chances of attaining success.

5. You define making money as success

The truth is that money is a powerful motivator – Yet money could make you bankrupt on other aspects of your life. It is better to see or view success making a contribution or adding value rather than seeing it as a way to simply add more zeros in your bank account.

6. You need a lot of time to attain success

Many people want success fast, and with all the blog posts offering different advice on the subject many think that it is about working so hard that they get their lucky break soon. The truth is that success needs no lucky breaks but consistent effort daily, monthly and yearly. Doing this comes with a regular sense of accomplishment which keeps you fulfilled and energized.

7. You need society to validate your success

Many expect that their environment and what they can display in terms of looks and luxury items defines their success. What defines success is from within and has nothing to do with the opinions of others.

8. You need to have an advanced degree from a well known university

This is not to say or disapprove of earning a degree from an Ivy League school. However many successful people have defined their success even from poor backgrounds and an inability to finish High school. Success needs simply a dream, a design and a consistent action to seeing your goals to fruition. Successful people like Anne Wintour, editor of Vogue of Magazine and Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group didn’t start out with degrees from any university!

9. You will attain success at your first try

Many believe that to attain success one has to get it right the first time. This is wrong. No one gets it the first time. Successful people fail and they keep trying until they succeed. Failure plays a key role to success.

10. You will become an interesting person everybody wants to be with when you become successful

The journey of success has a way of rubbing on who one is along the way. That is why character is an important element of success. How do you define character? Is it that when you have more money and possessions, you become the person every other person wants to be around? Success will not make you a better person, that will always be up to you. Featured photo credit: http://www.unsplash.com via download.unsplash.com