1. Taking photos and videos allows you to become more comfortable with your body.

It may be a bit difficult when you start, but when you spend extended amounts of time looking at photos or editing footage of yourself, you’re forced to come into terms with that fact that you’re body isn’t nearly as bad as you think it is. In fact, if you spend a good amount of time looking at yourself and hearing yourself talk you, just might find things you like about yourself that never occurred to you!

2. Writing regularly gets you comfortable with your personal voice.

Writing and posting your thoughts online is a great way to become more comfortable with your voice. What do you believe in? What would you change in the world? Writing blog posts allows you to thoroughly contemplate your thoughts and opinions. Being comfortable with who you are on the inside is just as important as being comfortable with yourself on the outside.

3. The online blogging community is a great way to make friends from all over the world.

There is a web of bloggers out there who are constantly looking for more bloggers to meet. With weekly blogger chats hosted on Twitter, it’s easier than ever to meet other bloggers. Guest posts, Facebook pages, and the comments sections on blogs are other great ways to meet new people. Who doesn’t feel amazing after making a cool new friend?

4. Voicing your opinion through blogging can get some weight off of your shoulders.

Living in world where the economy is constantly teetering on the edge of destruction, women can’t walk down the street past 9 p.m. without getting attacked, and many countries are still stuck in a constant state of war can put a lot of stress on a person. Voicing your opinion on heavy subject while blogging can release a lot of stress, giving you more time to enjoy the happier aspects of the world.

5. Developing useful skills can lead to discovering talents you never thought you had.

I never thought I’d do much with writing in my life until I realized I had spent a full year posting my writing on my blog. Practice makes perfect, and if you keep blogging, you could even grow strong enough to write/photograph/film/illustrate/etc. for others. Surprise! I’m a writer! Who knew? What are you going to be?

6. You will have a record of your personal achievements.

Blogging allows you to keep a consistent documentation of all of the amazing, fun, exciting things you’ve achieved. When you’re feeling bad about yourself all you have to do is scroll through your blog’s archives and be reminded of how wonderful you really are.

7. You can witness your personal growth.

Scrolling though your old blog posts is also a great way to see how much you’ve grown as a person. Your opinions, interests, and appearances change over time and blogging allows you to witness how far you’ve come. If you feel rough about your current state, just remember where you started.

8. Expressing yourself through blog branding allows you to understand yourself.

Blog branding is how you present yourself to the world on your blog and online profiles. Having a brand is much like wearing your favorite t-shirt—it gives people a quick glimpse into what your interests are and what your general tone is. It’s also a great way for you to express who you are as a person. Figuring out what your blog brand is causes you to get in better touch with yourself.

9. Readership creates a feeling of acceptance and care.

Everyone’s readership starts at zero, but the longer you stick to your blogging routine, the more people will trickle in. It’s a nice little boost to your self esteem when you see that fifteen, thirty, a hundred whole people checked out your latest posts! As it turns out, people DO care about what you’re up to.

10. The feeling of accomplishment you get when you look back at all of the work you’ve done.

Low self esteem often causes people to feel inadequate. You can beat that feeling, however, by remembering how much work you’ve put into your beautiful website. It’s amazing to look back and see how much blogging has been done. There’s no wrong way to blog, either, so no matter what happens in your life you can rest assured that you’re at least doing something right by blogging until you can’t blog anymore! Featured photo credit: Gregory Han via flickr.com