This is a list of some great suggestions to do that.

  1. Write a personal email or letter to someone If there is a relationship you cherish or someone who means a lot to you, write them an email or letter telling them! Take some time and strengthen your relationships.
  2. Start a collection of links that you can use to procrastinate more effectively later on If you have a list of subjects you’re interested in learning more about, try starting a collection of links for each one. The next time you’re busy procrastinating, pick on of those subjects and start visiting the links.
  3. Choose a subject you just “don’t get” and start doing research
  4. Write a stream of conciousness journal entry about the work you’re avoiding Pull up Word, notepad, or a piece of pen and paper and just write about the work you’re avoiding. If you’re avoiding the work because you’re stuck, chances are you’ll discover some angles that you hadn’t thought about. It’s also a great way to think through the work you have to do without having to actually do it (yet).
  5. Practice speed reading
  6. If you have ideas that would benefit the company you work for, write an email and send it There’s no time like the present. If there’s something that’s been bothering you or an opportunity you think would benefit the company, write your thoughts down and send them to someone who could help make it happen. Ask for their input or reaction. If anything, it’ll get it off your chest. It’ll also help improve how people view you.
  7. Initiate a conversation with someone and REALLY listen to what they are saying I’m a terrible listener. Practice really focusing on what someone has to say even if the subject is completely uninteresting to you. The intention here is to practice your “people skills” by listening and not talking.
  8. Read over your latest “Sent Items” and try get a sense of how your writing represents your thinking
  9. Develop a list of your successes Start a list of anything you succeeded at. Try developing the list chronologically. Is there a pattern? Is there something you can learn from? There usually is and developing a running list will help you see it.
  10. Develop a list of your failures Bonus: Write a sincere thank you note Is there someone who mentored you long ago? Is there someone who did something for you that you never truly thanked? Is there someone you admire that has written things or said things that have made an impact in your life? Take a few moments and write a sincere thank you. It feels good to do it and it might inspire you to actually get back to work! 10 Ways To Procrastinate And Still Be Productive – [TheMicrobusinessExperiment]
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