The movies had a funny way of saying that being a “Nerd” wasn’t too bad, even though there was a lot of bullying and victimization in the process. In today’s society the term “Geek” has replaced “Nerd” and has become a Universal word to describe very smart people. A lot has changed since then, today bullying is no longer acceptable, and more tolerance and inclusion is promoted for a more harmonious society, being different is beautiful. Having said all that, here is my list of 10 ways to become a Sexy Geek:

Confidence is Sexy

Being true to who you are is one of the most important lessons you must learn in order to be successful. Being confident doesn’t mean arrogant, it means trusting your own abilities, instincts and values to help you shape a positive image, a greater sense of worth and achieve positive results. Like a magnet, confident people attract like-minded people, having that inner knowledge of how unique and wonderful you are makes you more appealing to the opposite sex. If you are not confident, develop it by focusing on what you do well and work on areas that are important to you, focus on what is positive in your life and write a list, recite it like a Mantra if you must….

Ability to Listen

No one likes someone who talks too much especially technical jargon. When in a social setting in order to get to know the person (or people) better, it is best to be inquisitive, to develop a genuine interest in the other person and listen to what is being said, ask relevant questions and you will make the other person feel validated. We have one mouth and two ears, this is nature’s reminder we have to listen more than we speak. People who are great listeners are not only popular, but learn a great deal by opening their ears, and by default they help build others by showing a bit of interest, and it is sexy.

Believe in yourself

Life has a tendency to throw curve balls a lot of the times, and when things get tough, believing in yourself can prove the difference between success and failure. As kids, when picking members to play ball at your local park, the kids with the most self-confidence and self belief were picked first, this is no different in Love, Commerce or War. Focus on recent achievements no matter how small they are, if you can’t think of any off the top of your head, write them down, what have you accomplished lately?

Develop the Ability to Smile

There is nothing sexier than a genuine and friendly smile, by focusing on what you are doing right, being proud of who you are and what you are accomplishing (note action verb); your smile will brighten even the darkest room. Gratitude for what you have is an awesome way to make you feel happy and automatically make you smile. For example, when going out to a bar with friends, would you go up to the girl with the frown and the cloud over her head or go up to the one who is smiling, happy and open to conversation? Smile, it makes you beautiful regardless of religion, color or creed…..

Power Dressing

The problem with some of us geeks, is our inability to follow trends and fashions because we are too busy pursuing other interests. A perfect example of poor fashion sense is Raj from “The Big Bang Theory”. Having said that, we can make ourselves look presentable and this can be achieved without trying too hard and it doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg, believe it or not if you are doing it tough, buying clothes from the local Salvation Army store (they have brand names) can give you a great look and if you are into recycling this is an awesome and cost effective option. A nice suit is a must have, black, navy blue or dark greys are strong colors telling the world you mean business. Bright colors are cheerful also but beware; you don’t want to overdo it. Bright colors when used with neutral tones can produce a feeling of playfulness and friendliness, again, balance is the key. Try to make a positive first impression, because a negative one is everlasting and almost impossible to shake off, make sure that your first impression counts.

Get a Great Hairdresser, Stylist or Barber

Taking pride in the way you look is not only about clothes; having neat and tidy hair is paramount, if you have a beard like me, have it trimmed and styled. You don’t have to go to Vidal Sassoon for hairstyling; your local talent is good enough to make you look wonderful. Make sure you have clean hair, only very few beautiful people can get away with the “scruffy” look…..

Glasses are Sexy

Wearing glasses is not just a sign of intelligence but one of sophistication. All depends on what sort of frames you get. If you get the cheapest and nastiest frames, then that image will come across, like the old saying goes, “You get what you pay for.” Fashion Designers have “designed” beautiful eye wear at affordable prices. Here in Australia we are lucky to have Alex Perry and Collette Dinnigan, who to me are exceptionally talented and their glasses are very beautiful and in reach of the average consumer.

Develop a Charming Attitude by Complimenting Others

If you are an intelligent being (and you are) be warm, friendly and playful, people will appreciate someone who is easy to get along with, who pays nice compliments and is genuine. Flattery is a great asset when it has the heart behind it, however, when flattery is false and labored can become hollow and offensive. Before complementing others, ask yourself if this is the sort of compliment you would like to receive.

Show Empathy

By showing empathy you show how much you care, at the end of the day, people need people in order to survive and thrive. A warm and kind hearted person goes through life reaping what they sow, and when it comes back it comes back tenfold. Only people with a deep sense of self worth are truly empathetic and this act can even get on board our toughest of critics; and yes, it is sexy.

Wear Perfume or Aftershave

So you have the nice clothes, the stylish glasses, beautiful hair, now all you need is a scent that will tell the world you are beautiful, classy, intelligent and sophisticated. Your unique body odor will complement certain fragrances nicely; the trick is using the right amount and choosing the right scent. It is our duty to take care of ourselves physically, mentally and spiritually it is up to you, being a Geek can be Sexy.