From little things, big things grow. Sound familiar? We’ve compiled a list of 10 small deeds you could do to make a difference in 60 minutes. Sometimes it only takes one step to start a chain reaction, spread an idea or stimulate a thought. Why not see if you can tick a few off our list, or think of your own ways to make a little or possibly big difference.

1. Share an educational video or article Make the most of those social media sites and share that TED talk you watched on foreign aid last night, or the article you read that got your social conscious ticking. 2. Avoid plastic Don’t buy a pre-packed lunch with seven layers of unnecessary plastic, in a plastic bag that you eat with a plastic fork. When you buy your sushi tomorrow, say no to the plastic container and soy sauce fish – go for a paper bag and apply soy in-store! Easy as. 3. Organise a blood drive Get your office, school or friends on board for a group blood run. It’s easy to register and let’s face it, everything is more fun in a group! Get the ball rolling here. 4. Buy a goat! Or a chicken, or a pig! World Vision makes once off donations in the shape of an animal or fruit tree a simple and extremely worthwhile action. Check out World Vision and see how easy it is! World Vision also has long-term donation services such as sponsoring a child and assisting in the development of disadvantaged communities. 5. Pick up litter Hey, next time just bend down and pick up that plastic bag instead of walking over it. Takes all of 30 seconds… imagine the possibilities in a whole lunch break. Make it your goal to pick up a piece of litter every day and involve your company or school in the next Clean Up Australia Day.  6. Donate or assist in a local community project Do a quick Google search on what is happening around you, in your neighborhood or area. Show your support by offering a donation or your time to a great local project that is happening right under your nose. Being local you will also be able to watch as the project develops! 7. Give a $25 micro loan to a stranger Kiva is a company that connects people with small business owners in 3rd world countries. With $25 going towards getting a small business idea off the ground, this program provides people with the opportunity to become self sufficient. That’s a pretty rewarding investment for a mere $25! 8. Volunteer at a soup kitchen You’ve all heard it done before, volunteering at your local soup kitchen is one of the easiest ways to help your community. One lunch break a week? It could be more revitalising than you think. 9. Buy local fruit and vegetables Planning on cooking tonight? Hit the local grocer on your way home and bypass the corporate chain. Supporting your local businesses in every way possible is important for our economy, not to mention the produce is fresher and tastes amazing! 10. Buy yourself a present from the Shop for Change! Did you work extra hard today? Or feel like surprising someone with a little gift? Jump onto our website and have a browse. Something small or something big – everything from The Shop for Change is going towards helping women, men and children in developing countries to become self sufficient or to have access to basic needs. 10 Ways To Change The World In Your Lunch Break | The Shop For Change

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