Words Have Power and Energy

Since words have a power of their own, they can effect the way we think, feel and perceive thoughts and ideas. So that distinct feeling inside of you, when you walked into that room came from the intensity and reaction of the conversation. It made you aware that, of what they were saying, involved you and possibly in a negative light, whether it was true or made up gossip. Just like all things in life, words have a vibration of energy to them with a momentum full of emotion and feeling. Words or phrases can either be empowering and encouraging or they can be toxic and destructive. For example higher vibration words can be used to help you feel happy, pleased and excited. Where as lower vibration negative words can make you feel the opposite. With the use of positive thinking and positive self-talk you can change the chemistry within yourself and create a more powerful you. Instead of having your words work against you, use positive self-talk and create an awareness within and use it as a benefit to your energy. As you start to have a perception of how negative statements or gossiping can effect your chemistry you can begin to rise above it. You will begin to remove yourself from situations and people that nag and complain, because ultimately you get to decide what you let seep into your brain. By having a better relationship and understanding with your choice of words, you can feel more balanced on a daily basis.

10 Ways To Embrace The Energy Of Words

Embracing the energy of words gives rise to a more positive thought process. Encouraging and supportive words towards yourself will strengthen your innermost being. By a simple change in your mindset you can begin to create the pattern of a confident frame of mind.

“Be Willing, Be Deserving, and Be Worthy, so that you will have many reasons to Be Grateful!”

Knowing how the energy of words can make you feel will be a game changer. Just like starting a new habit, it will take time for you to change the way you think or react. At first you will need to remind yourself throughout the day to be conscious of what you are telling yourself. But in time, you will start to notice a shift in your balance stemming from the higher vibration of affirming words, giving you a sense of power and strength. If you can positively talk yourself through it, then you can most definitely achieve it as well. Featured photo credit: Getty Images via weebly.com